Stand-start right of the dab bloc, matched on high, flat jug. Head up and left to arete. Climb right side of arete, to rubbly top-out.
V6/7. Start as per "King Cobra". After the first move, continue left using tricky edges and feet, and finish up the left arete. (FA Trent Hoover, 2018)
Stand-start with high right-hand pinch (to the right of the arete), and left-hand underclinging the blunt lip of the boulder (down and left). Climb the left side of the lower arete, then directly up the bulge above. Head right to top out.
V8. Start as per "Sidewinder", and traverse low around arete, joining "King Cobra" at its first move, and finishing up that problem.
V9/10. Start, and climb, as per "Boa", but continue left into "Spitting Cobra".
V6. Start at obvious smooth jug on the face. Head up and left to the arete. Climb the right side of the arete, to airy top-out.