V6. Stand-start using obvious left-hand jug. Move up and left, towards a flat jug on the lip/arete. Roll left to top out.
Stand-start. Climb the obvious right-trending rail/shelf system, eventually gaining the lip on your left. A few more moves will gain the slab and top-out.
V4X. Stand-start near "The Road Not Taken", and climb directly up and right to gain the crack and finish of "Do Not Go Gentle". Crux is tenuous and sequential, with a dynamic sideways move, and occurs at 5+ meters.
V5/6 X. Step off rock to gain huge, flat right-hand undercling pinch. Move up and right, through several long, tenuous, and serious moves through the clean face, eventually gaining the large crack. Top-out directly through the peak.
V3X. Stand-start just right of centre, using a high, right-hand jug-edge. Head up and slightly right through good edges, before heading left to a juggy crack. Continue up, topping out directly through the peak.
V9. Sit-start just right of black-stained alcove, using a right-hand gaston edge, and anything workable for your left. Pull on and reach left for a small-but-good crimp in grey rock, then push right to join "If".
Stand-start with vertical, one-pad pinch for right-hand, and a small sidepull or undercling near the same height for your left. Head up and right, to obvious sloper feature, then way up and right to incut rail. Top out as per "Where the Sidewalk Ends".
Sit-start under arete, using a good right-hand edge on arete, and anything lower for left-hand. Climb the left side of the angling arete. Head right to top out.