V5. Sit-start matched on jug in crack. Head up and left through edges to gain juggier holds on the right side of a scoop, and top out. (FA Trent Hoover, 2015)
V5. Sit-start as per "Flexion". After the long move away from the crack and into edges out left, tackle the bulge directly using more edges. (FA Trent Hoover, 2015)
V6. Sit-start, matched on large shelf at the bottom right end of the lip. Head left to gain holds in the crack, then continue along edges to gain the right side of a scoop in the lip. Continue traversing left to gain the peak of the lip, and top-out.
Sit-start matched on lowest sloping edge on the left side of the face above the roof. Use foot magic to gain more sloping edges and the slab above. (FA Kyle Marco)
Sit-start matched on large, right-facing vertical rail. Tricky footwork and sloping edges lead up onto the slab. (FA Trent Hoover, 2015)
V2. Sit-start matched on long, low rail. Climb up and left. (FA Trent Hoover, 2016)
V3. Start on an edge and a crimp in the cave, climbing up and into "The Low Road". (FA Trent Hoover, 2015)
V3. Sit-start in small alcove, using a good, obvious right-hand edge near adjacent boulder. Move up and left, joining "The Low Road".
V3. Sit-start as per "Makeathat", but head directly up arête above.
V5. Sit-start matched on large, left-facing edge, Move up and right. (FA Mark Derksen, 2016)
V3. Sit-start at far right end of short overhang/bulge (farther right than photo shows), matched on lowest slopey lip edges. Move up and slightly left on tricky edges. (FA Mark Derksen, 2017)