Short, cramped, contrived, and ugly, but still a lot of fun! Start on a huge, broken horn/slot in a hole just right of the arete. Avoiding the good, incut edges out right, climb directly up using two opposing edges, to a powerful, sloping top out. (FA Mark Derksen, 2013)
Sit-start using good edge. Head straight up, or head right (joining "Albatross Left").
Start as per "Albatross", but head left at the roof to a sloping sidepull, then up the face.
Sit-start low on a hold above the v-notch in the middle of the slab. Climb up into undercling, and power through to the face above the overhang. Very height-dependent!
Start on the crack just right of "Albatross", and head up through the blank looking bulge above. Spooky and rarely climbed.
Start extremely low (virtually lying down) at the bottom edge of the slab right of "Albatross". Climb onto the slab with great difficulty, and continue up the slab to much easier moves above. (FA Evan Erickson, 2007)
Sit-start and climb the blunt prow at the corner of the boulder.