Sit-start with right hand on long edge and left on either a strange, crimp-pocket or a low, sloping sidepull. Climb through crimps, rails, and sloping pinches to finish on a flat rail. Great movement. A lower start (left hand on sidepull, right on a three-finger undercling) has been done at more-or-less the same grade. (FA Trent Hoover, 2014)
V7+. Start as per "The Ice Cave" but, after the first move, head right, using the corner feature to gain a left-facing gaston edge in the face below the peak. From this edge, either throw to the lip above, or do a bit of a trick to finish on "Sardine". A bit contrived/eliminate, but cool holds and sequence, with tensiony and powerful moves.
A fun problem with an ugly start. Sit-start very low, scrunched down on the right side of the Foxhole cave, with right hand on a good jug, and left on a sidepull crimp. Climb positive edges and ledges above, desperately trying not to dab on the block. (FA Trent Hoover, 2013)