Sit-start using low blocky hold(s). Head directly up, eventually gaining a large, flat jug up high. Head right to top out.
V10/11. Start as per "Rhythmic Gymnastics", and traverse left, through "Dragonfire", continuing to the lip up and left. Continue left to top out. (FA Adam Currie).
Start using a set of crimps low in the cave (or, alternatively, under "Dragonfire", using blocky, opposing holds). Move up to good edges in the grey rock above, and slightly left to top out.
Start as per "Fission", but head up and left into " Rhythmic Gymnastics".
Start as per "Rhythmic Gymnastics low", and link into "Dark Age".
Sit-start low in pit, with small triangle notch for left-hand, and small crimp knob for right-hand. Climb and top out straight up.
V3. Stand-start using good chest-height edges. Climb, and top out, directly above.
Start as per "Fission", and climb into the start hold of " Mushroom Campus", finishing on that line.
V12. Start as per "Mushroom Campus", and link into "Dark Age". For the original line, anything on the lip is considered out (including the high right-hand sloper of "Dragon Fire") until moving up and left from the block-jug.
V5. Start on same hold as "Mushroom Campus", but dyno to the flat lip, up and left. Top out direct.
Start as per "Mushroom Campus", but head left, into the overhang, then up from there.
Start on head-height jug on arete. Thug up and slightly right on juggy edges.
Start on "Mushroom Campus", and traverse left through the cave, finishing up "Rhythmic Gymnastics". (FA Mark Derksen, 2015)