V7. Start with right-hand pinching slopey corner of large rail, and left-hand on a higher slopey edge. Head straight up.
V7. Sit-start with opposing sidepull rails low in overhang (left-hand rail is higher). A couple of powerful/tensiony moves link into the regular "Wind and the Wizard" sequence.
V7/8. Start as per "Wind and the WIzard low", and join "Telekinesis".
V6/7. Start as per "Wind and the Wizard". Gain holds above the lip of the overhang, and traverse left, topping-out in the same place as "Guyline".
V5. Start matched on good edge below lip. Head up and right. (FA Kyle Marco)
V1. Sit-start matched on obvious juggy edge in overhang. Move up and right, to right-facing corner feature, using this to press further right onto short slab.
V2. Start as per "Windwalker", but climb the slab directly above, using the corner feature on your right.