Start with right-hand on juggy sidepull edge (back in narrow gap between boulders), and left-hand on a low sloper. Climb the very blunt, hanging prow. Traverse the lip left to top out.
Sit-start with right-hand on good, sloping pinch, and left-hand on pinch below arete. Head up and left, around arete, and onto slab above. (FA Trent Hoover, 2016)
Start in pit on obvious matchable crimp/edge feature. Head up and left through sloping edges/pinches, to a tricky top-out. Takes some tension and control to avoid the rock on your left.
Sit-start with left-hand sloper, and right-hand edge. Climb directly up, into the dihedral feature above. (FA Kyle Marco, 2016)
Sit-start with right-hand sloper sidepull, and diagonal left-hand edge. Climb up and left, along rib, before moving to lip out right, and tipping onto slab. (FA Trent Hoover, 2016)
Sit-start with right-hand sloping, horizontal pinch, and left-hand undercling in lip below. Move up and onto slab. (FA Kyle Marco, 2016)