V5/6. Sit-start at the left side of the cave, right-hand on good edge at lip of cave, left-hand on another edge just above. Head straight up.
V8/9. Sit-start using good left-hand crimp on lip, and thin right-hand pinch just down and right in the roof. Move up and right, joining "Renaissance".
V8. Sit-start matched on sloping edge/dish. Power up left to large, blocky sloper. Continue out cave, on the left side of the arete.
V9/10. Start as per "The Renaissance", but head immediately left, gaining an edge on the lip of the cave. Continue up and left.
V7/8. Sit-start far right, using two good edges below lip. Move up to lip, and head left into a tough crux getting past a cool, fin-like feature on the lip. Gain the arete, and join the topout of "Renaissance".
V10. Start as per "Neoclassical". Follow holds along the lip, and in the overhang, all the way left, into the finish of "Renaissance Man".