Start matched on the juggy, horizontal crack where it crosses the arete (the most positive and obvious place to start). Move left to the center of the crack, then head up and left onto the hanging slab.
Start as per "One Minute Murder", but head straight up via a big sidepull feature. Fun! (FA Mark Derksen, 2013)
Sit-start as per "One Minute Murder". Head right, along lip of small roof, using miniscule edges. Gain sharp arete, and top out straight above. Funky! (FA Trent Hoover, 2014)
Climb the slab just left of the arete, and hope you don't fall onto the jagged blade of rock behind you.
Sit-start in an iron-cross position, with your right hand in the crack, and your left on the arete. Throw up to the large sloper, and top out using the arete. (FA Evan Erickson, 2007)
Sit-start and climb the obvious crack, using face holds as you get higher.
Start as per "Killer Bees", traverse left as per "Killing Frost", but continue traversing left past the sloper, to the left arete, and finish on "Baby Killer".