Sit-start using good rails/edges. Head straight up, through another good, horizontal rail. (FA Kyle Marco, 2015)
Start as per "Dyno, or Die Now", but move right and follow left-facing edges. (FA Kyle Marco, 2015)
Start cramped on low holds below "Paleface". Finish as per that problem. (FA Morgan Dunnet, 2015)
Sit-start using right-hand sidepull and left-hand gaston. Move up and left to join "Paleface". (FA Tent Hoover, 2015)
Start as per "Strong Arm", but head straight up, gunning for a left-facing block. (FA Morgan Dunnet, 2015)
Start as per "Strong Arm", but head immediately right, following a line of crimps rising above the pit.
Stand-start in pit, using low, left-hand sidepull and pocketed right-hand edge. Move up and left to finish on "Up in Arms".
V8. Start, and climb, as per "Up In Arms low". Join "Aisselle" at its start, and finish up that problem.
V9. Stand-start in the pit, using a high, small karst sidepull/pinch for your right-hand, and anything lower for your left. Climb directly up the tall face, through a slick series of sidepulls, crimps, and smears.