Sit-start in the pit at the base of the left arete. Climb the right side of the leaning arete. (FA Adam Currie)
Sit-start as per "Commodore 64". Once you snag the lip, traverse right around the blunt nose, and finish up the right side of the boulder.
V3. Climb the roof crack formed by the commodore Boulder and the March of Time Boulder, starting deep in the little cave. (FA, ?)
Face "Commodore 64", and look to your right. There is a small pit at the base of the larger, adjacent boulder. Start in this pit, with a small, right-hand edge and a low, left-hand sidepull on the arete. A compression sequence leads to a shelf. Top out above. (FA Mark Derksen, 2014)
V3. Climb the left side of the airy arete above the scary pit. (FA, ?)