Sit-start on diagonal rail sidepulls just right of arete. Follow the crack left, then climb the arete. "Origins Extension" (V1) continues following the crack leftwards to top out around the arete.
Climb the obvious, sharp arete. Watch for loose rock at all times in Frank; a large block fell off this problem in 2010.
Sit-start as per "The Sage". Traverse right and finish on either "Jahealy" or "Easy Healing".
Sit-start with a high left handhold and a very low right. Climb the crimpy face and left-leaning seam just right of "Crack Attack". The other boulder (the other side of the "crack") is out, of course.
Start with sidepull/pinch for left hand, and flat crimp for right hand. Climb the face above, through sloping holds. (FA Mark Derksen, 2015)
Sit-start with right hand on a good crimp, and left on a small, sloping edge. Climb up through small edges to a good sidepull, and top out above. (FA Evan Erickson, 2007)
Start at the low right side of the flake undercling, climb up and left along the flake until it thins out, then head straight up. Alternatively, go straight up from the very start at the same grade (Jahealy direct)
V4ish. Start as per "Jahealy", but move up and left into "IPotSH". A good variation.
Climb the tall, juggy face immediately left of - and using - the prominent arete. Beware the tricky mantle!