Crouch-start, with left-hand on arete and right-hand on a lower crimp/edge in the face. Climb the right side of the arete to the top of the boulder, then roll left to top out.
Crouch-start on low crimps/edges left of the start of "Lookout". Move up and right to good edge rail, then continue right, eventually joining and finishing on "Sentinel".
Start as per "Vigilance", and link into " The Watchtower ".
Sit-start, matched on obvious shelf. Head up and left, joining "Watchtower Arete".
Sit-start, matched in obvious juggy hole. Move up and right to large rail, then up and left, to the high right-facing arete feature. Airy top out.
Start as per "The Watchtower", but continue right along the large rail, to top out on " Jack and Jill".
Sit-start, matched on low, crumbly jug shelf. Head up and left towards left-facing arete feature. Top out left.