Use slab of lower boulder to get established on overhanging arete of upper boulder. Around mid-height, move left to gain sloper feature in face, then continue up and left to top-out precariously in middle of lip. Very committing.
V5. Sit-start with hands just above lip of cave (right-hand edge and left-hand gaston). Make a big move up and left, to a flat jug. Match, and continue up. Watch for loose rock up high.
Climb "Supa Scoopa" to the flat jug, then continue left, around the arete, into exposed territory.
V5/6. Sit-start with lowest pinch/edge on arete for left-hand, and very low right-hand sidepull edge. Cross right-hand up to higher arete hold, and continue up and left.
V8. Start matched on huge undercling jug under low roof. Move up into "Mighty Scoop".
V8/9. Start, and climb, as per "Mighty Scoop low", but continue left along the lip of the cave, into the start of "Supa Scoopa". Finish up either "Supa Scoopa" or its extension.
Start as per "Mighty Scoop", but move up and right, climbing the right side of the arete.