
Taivaskallio is one of the more beginner-friendly places with smooth rock, easy routes and good landings, especially at Keulamuuri. For some tougher routes, accompanied by even tougher grading, Länsimuuri offers plenty of challenges. Be wary of the scary, slabby top-outs here.

The routes and descriptions presented here are verified and freely translated from original Topos from Jokinen, available from Alppikerho. When climbing some of the classics, keep in mind that some of the routes have changed since then with holds chipped away and even larger rocks broken off the wall over time.


Taivaskallio is the birth place of Finnish bouldering and climbing, with first ascents starting from mid 1950s.

Here, Finnish climbing pioneers like Matti Jokinen polished their rock climbing skills between trips to the Alps. Climbing at Taivaskallio started as more traditional way of using pitons and ropes, but the good landings and relatively low heights soon gave way to birth of Bouldering in Finland.