No special access issues
🚌 Pihlajamäki is easily reached by public bus services. The closest bus stop Pihlajistontie is just at the foot of the pihlajamäki cliffs, from which a short walk uphill leads to the climbing sectors.... Read more
We like Pihlajamäki

Pessi Peura
Helposti lähestyttävä ilta-aurinkoinen spotti missä paljon monen tasoista kiivettävää.

Ville Tanskanen
Great access and a sunny spot that opens to south with a great view and get's easily too hot. Also popular place for beer drinking so mind the broken glass. Tends to be slightly noisy due to the highway.
Ville Kontinen
Loads of routes with good variety in styles, solid rock and a nice, sunny spot in general.
Activities on this crag
- Veikka Tornikoski • 2 weeks agoupdated his or her tick list- Asema 3
- Postijuna 4+
- Lasten puuhanurkkaus 3
- The one who sits the longest 4+
... - Aaro Asikainen • 2 weeks agoupdated his tick list- Asema 3
- Postijuna 4+
- Ilmajarru 4
- Pokettijuna 6A
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