
Yearly top 10 averages
8B+ 0 0 0
8B 1 0 1
8A+ 3 0 3
8A 8 0 8
7C+ 6 0 6
7C 16 0 16
7B+ 14 0 14
7B 29 6 23
7A+ 31 2 29
7A 66 18 48
6C+ 18 5 13
6C 43 11 32
6B+ 28 9 19
6B 55 24 31
6A+ 36 17 19
6A 65 44 21
5+ 42 34 8
5 55 50 5
4+ 11 10 1
4 9 9 0
3+ 1 1 0
3 0 0 0
Ascent date
Ascent type
Iron Lion
7A+ Boulder at Falkberget, Piteå
Good dynamic move. I don't know about the grade. Sit start project seems possible but very hard (>=8B?).
7A+ Falkberget, Piteå Boulder 2024-06-16
FA Red point
FA Red point
5 Boulder at Fiskebäcksvik
5 Fiskebäcksvik Boulder 2023-05-27
FA Flash
FA Flash
Rea eller aktion?
5 Boulder at Fiskebäcksvik
5 Fiskebäcksvik Boulder 2023-05-27
2nd Flash
2nd Flash
4 Boulder at Fiskebäcksvik
4 Fiskebäcksvik Boulder 2023-05-27
Reaktivt vägval
5+ Boulder at Fiskebäcksvik
5+ Fiskebäcksvik Boulder 2023-05-27
FA Flash
FA Flash
6B Boulder at Fiskebäcksvik
Very good delicate slab.
6B Fiskebäcksvik Boulder 2023-05-27
FA Flash
FA Flash
Omedelbar reaktion
6A Boulder at Fiskebäcksvik
No handholds. Precise dynamic move to get established with foot in the crack.
6A Fiskebäcksvik Boulder 2023-05-27
FA Red point
FA Red point
Ingen reaktion
5+ Boulder at Fiskebäcksvik
5+ Fiskebäcksvik Boulder 2023-05-27
FA Flash
FA Flash
Allergisk reaktion
5 Boulder at Fiskebäcksvik
5 Fiskebäcksvik Boulder 2023-05-27
FA Flash
FA Flash
Don quijsusi's fight against the windmills
5+ Boulder at Fiskebäcksvik
5+ Fiskebäcksvik Boulder 2023-05-27
6A Boulder at Fiskebäcksvik
6A Fiskebäcksvik Boulder 2023-05-27
5 Boulder at Fiskebäcksvik
5 Fiskebäcksvik Boulder 2023-05-27
6B+ Boulder at Fiskebäcksvik
Very low but nice moves.
6B+ Fiskebäcksvik Boulder 2023-05-27
FA Red point
FA Red point
Master's apprentices
7A+ Boulder at Vallberget
Interesting climbing with both heel and toe hooks on great rock.
7A+ Vallberget Boulder 2022-06-07
Red point
Red point
Wolverine blues
6C Boulder at Vallberget
Great rock quality and height.
6C Vallberget Boulder 2022-06-07
6C Boulder at Vallberget
Nice but short mantle problem.
6C Vallberget Boulder 2022-06-07
FA Red point
FA Red point
7A Boulder at Vallberget
Started with right heelhook in the starting hold and used the left arete a lot. Nice.
7A Vallberget Boulder 2022-06-07
6B+ Boulder at Vallberget
Cool and somewhat airy. Recommended.
6B+ Vallberget Boulder 2022-06-07
FA Flash
FA Flash
6A Boulder at Vallberget
Like the great-roof in yosemite.
6A Vallberget Boulder 2022-06-07
She’s like heroin
6C+ Boulder at Vallberget
Standing start on the rock. Right hand on good crimp and went left to a reasonably small gaston crimp. Step onto the wall with high right foot and reach for the right hand sidepull underneath the lip.
6C+ Vallberget Boulder 2022-06-07
FA Flash
FA Flash
Bum beach
7A Boulder at Skaftö
Tried going for the good sidepull/jugg a few times but kept spinning of when trying to hold it. Went for the small crimp on the face instead. Better for me.
7A Skaftö Boulder 2022-04-30
Red point
Red point
Beach bum
7A Boulder at Skaftö
Moonboard. Long moves on good crimps. Great rock quality.
7A Skaftö Boulder 2022-04-30
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Skaftö
I think it felt harder than 6C. Nice lowball traverse.
7A (6C) Skaftö Boulder 2022-04-30
Red point
Red point
Recommended. Somewhat airy semi-crux to mantle on to the face.
6B+ Fjällbacka / Vätteberget Boulder 2022-04-17
Red point
Red point
Rekan ståstart
I think it felt a bit too powerful for being 6B+
6C (6B+) Fjällbacka / Vätteberget Boulder 2022-04-17
Red point
Red point
6A+ Fjällbacka / Vätteberget Boulder 2022-04-16
7A Fjällbacka / Vätteberget Boulder 2022-04-16
Sjöpungen variant
7C Fjällbacka / Vätteberget Boulder 2022-04-16
Red point
Red point
Also very good. I think the confusion regarding the grades of 7C/8A on Sjöpungen is due to Björn doing the FA from the Sjöpungen extension start giving it 8A and some repeaters starting from this position (second half of the crux of the extension) due to lack of information.
7C Fjällbacka / Vätteberget Boulder 2022-04-16
Red point
Red point
Sjöpungen extension
Very good powerendurance boulder with a crimpy crux in the beginning.
8A Fjällbacka / Vätteberget Boulder 2022-04-16
Red point
Red point
Cool powerful moves.
7B Fjällbacka / Vätteberget Boulder 2022-04-15
Låg Travers
7A Boulder at Häller boulder
Nice climbing on nice rock.
7A Häller boulder Boulder 2022-04-10
Lone Wolf
8A Boulder at Häller boulder
Nice! The sloper traverse is draining you for the final crimp moves, which for me felt like the crux. Fell four times in the session going for the final crimp before I surprisingly managed to stick it on the last attempt of my third climbing day. Was completely drained when I got up to the assumingly easy mantle, which was slightly harder than anticipated in a no fall zone, which resulted in some nice drama. Often very damp and bad conditions on this boulder, which can be a dealbreaker for the slopers. I used shallow knee-scums to stay positioned under the roof for the traverse.
8A Häller boulder Boulder 2022-04-10
Red point
Red point
Tre i rad
Great highball in a beautiful spot. Spaced crimp-rails on an otherwise blank face. Much harder if you are shorter than 175 I guess, I could barely reach with my 178+6.
6C (6B) Sandsjöbacka / Lillesjön Boulder 2022-04-03
El Maco ss
7C Boulder at Utby Boulder
7C Utby Boulder Boulder 2022-04-02
Red point
Red point
La Bousse ss
7B+ Boulder at Utby Boulder
Really enjoy this one. Recommend you to try the front-flag beta to reach the stand start crimps.
7B+ Utby Boulder Boulder 2022-04-02
Red point
Red point
La Bousse
7B Boulder at Utby Boulder
7B Utby Boulder Boulder 2022-04-02
Red point
Red point
El nombre del niño
8A Boulder at Utby Boulder
I think this line is the line of the block and does not feel like a contrived linkup in any way. One of the best boulders I have done actually. 12 moves in a row which are all hard gives you a proper strength-endurance boulder. I think it could be 8A+ considering that it took me quite a few sessions to puzzle together and the seemingly few repetitions considering it is on one of the most visited blocks in Gothenburg. Even though no move is incredibly hard, you need to climb with a lot of precision on small holds and tiny feet, with a slow and precise match in the slot (especially if you have fat fingers) which drains some energy, which together makes it pretty hard to ascend. I started low in the starting holds and not as a proper sit (you need to be tall or have several pads to start sitting), I also used the tiny crimp-pinch in level and to the right of the slot which I heard some discussd whether it is included or not. To me it makes no sense to eliminate it and would only make this great line an elimination contrived line, it would neither make any difference in difficulty. Edit: Talked with first ascentionist who confirmed that the hold is not eliminated. I also used a kneepad to make the final kneescum part in La Bousse slightly easier when you arrive there with fatigue. Team ascent with Moritz in great conditions after a few sessions together. Thought I would fall from the topout-jugs with completely numb hands on the first attempt of the day.
8A+ (8A) Utby Boulder Boulder 2022-04-02
Red point
Red point
Livet är en fest
7C+ Boulder at Tolered
Tricky body positions to make the shallow heelhooks stay. Mental mantle. Fell on the mantle on my first session. Felt like Seb Grieves on Meshuga in Hard Grit, i.e like a though guy, before I realized it is a pretty good fall on a pile of pads from 3m height. Regardless, classic line and interesting moves.
7C+ Tolered Boulder 2022-03-30
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Solklinten
Two stars for the location which is amazing. I used holds and was with my body partially to the right of the arete. The mantle is a little bit tricky for the grade.
6A+ (6B) Solklinten Boulder 2022-03-27
7B+ Boulder at Solklinten
Cool board-style moves sharp holds! Tried a variant which started a few moves further down to the left, adding a few dabby-low crimp moves into the starting holds of this one.
7B+ Solklinten Boulder 2022-03-27
Red point
Red point
Cobra Commander
7A Boulder at Spökväggarna
7A Spökväggarna Boulder 2022-03-27
7B Boulder at Spökväggarna
Fun traverse on good rock!
7B Spökväggarna Boulder 2022-03-27
8A Boulder at Spökväggarna
The first hour of trying, it felt impossible to pull on the tiny crux hold and like I would break my foot in the heel-toe-cam. Tried a bunch of more or less weird alternative beta with little success. After some lental soup and colder conditions I was ready to commit and pull a bit harder. Then it went from impossible to successfully climbed within a few tries. Cool powerful moves but painful crux hold. Hard to say about the grade. Very powerful but so straight-forward that you will probably do it fast or not at all.
8A Spökväggarna Boulder 2022-03-26
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Häller boulder
6C Häller boulder Boulder 2022-03-19
Melocotón en Almíbar
8A Boulder at Champiñones Albarracin
Cool toehook-boulder. Could not go directly to the lip (morpho-beta), but going to the crimps still felt more like 7C+ to me.
7C+ (8A) Champiñones Albarracin Boulder 2022-03-15
Red point
Red point
8A+ Boulder at Techos Albarracin
Powerful yet technical. Came very close to doing it on the first session, surprisingly. Then I had a few frustrating sessions with bad skin and conditions before I felt strong on it again. Tactic-beta to have someone guide the crucial heelhook which you throw blindly over the lip.
8A+ Techos Albarracin Boulder 2022-03-15
Red point
Red point
8A+ Boulder at Parking Albarracin
Classic and polished to glass. Interesting crux sequence. Being tall or having great flexibility may help. Took me a few sessions before I had the skin and microbeta to get to the top.
8A+ Parking Albarracin Boulder 2022-03-15
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Champiñones Albarracin
Fun mantle
7B Champiñones Albarracin Boulder 2022-03-13
Red point
Red point
7C+ Boulder at La Fuente Albarracin
Albarracin-typical deadpoint launch.
7C+ La Fuente Albarracin Boulder 2022-03-12
Red point
Red point
8B Boulder at Champiñones Albarracin
Very spectacular roof which takes minutes to climb. Like a one-move 8A boulder into 8b route? Suits my style very well.
8B Champiñones Albarracin Boulder 2022-03-09
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Tierra media Albarracín
6C (7A) Tierra media Albarracín Boulder 2022-03-05
Romos en cuesta
7B Boulder at Tierra media Albarracín
7B Tierra media Albarracín Boulder 2022-03-05
El Del Bidedo, de pie
7B Boulder at Tierra media Albarracín
7B Tierra media Albarracín Boulder 2022-03-05
Umbria corto
8A Boulder at Champiñones Albarracin
Beta with matching the pocket which you deadpoint from, one-move boulder.
8A Champiñones Albarracin Boulder 2022-03-05
Red point
Red point
Aben Razin stand
7B+ Loma de la Tejeria / Cañon - Albarracín Boulder 2022-03-01
Red point
Red point
Robotics Jr.
7B+ Boulder at Champiñones Albarracin
7B+ Champiñones Albarracin Boulder 2022-03-01
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Parking Albarracin
7B+ (7C) Parking Albarracin Boulder 2022-03-01
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Arrastradero Albarracín
7B+ (7C) Arrastradero Albarracín Boulder 2022-03-01
Red point
Red point
Doctor robotics
7C+ Boulder at Champiñones Albarracin
Endurance boulder.
7C+ Champiñones Albarracin Boulder 2022-03-01
Red point
Red point
8A Boulder at Utby Boulder
Cool boulder in a 40 degree overhang on dark grey rock which is smoother than the rest of Utby. You feel badass climbing it, like D.Woods low gear machine style, giving multiple opportunities to show off your biceps strength in static moves. Semi-hard first half into powerful crux with a small incut undercling which you dyno to the lip from, a move which feels quite scary until you have commited a few times. Too bad the landing sucks and it is so moist and dark that you almost need a headlamp during daytime.
8A Utby Boulder Boulder 2022-01-26
Red point
Red point
8A+ Boulder at Nylöse boulder
Short but still offers some challenging moves in classic board climbing style. Catching the lip and maintaining pressure on the left hand was the crux for me. Crux hand hold is very painful and specific. I don't know about the grade, 8A seems reasonable, probably a bit anti-morpho.
8A (8A+) Nylöse boulder Boulder 2022-01-25
Red point
Red point
7C+ Boulder at Häller boulder
Some of the best moves I have ever done with great rock and sweet landing. Absolute world class and very unique!
7C+ Häller boulder Boulder 2022-01-14
Red point
Red point
8A Boulder at Häller boulder
One of the most iconic boulders in Sweden I suppose. Really really good! I think the stand start still offers the hardest moves of the boulder, and the lowstart adds some fatigue for when you arrive at the slightly tricky final moves. The heel or toehook for moving the left hand from the start hold is also quite tricky until you find the right body position.
8A Häller boulder Boulder 2022-01-14
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Tolered
Reachy and technical
6C Tolered Boulder 2021-09-19
Red point
Red point
7B+ Boulder at Tolered
7B+ Tolered Boulder 2021-09-19
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Tolered
7C Tolered Boulder 2021-09-19
Red point
Red point
Kapten Krok
7A Boulder at Häller boulder
7A Häller boulder Boulder 2021-09-18
7B Boulder at Häller boulder
7B Häller boulder Boulder 2021-09-18
Red point
Red point
Lets go bowling
7B Boulder at Kullavik
Great line, cool moves and beautiful setting. Left exit felt more than a half grade harder.
7B Kullavik Boulder 2020-11-07
Red point
Red point
Flight of the conchords
7A Boulder at Kullavik
Clean short face with crux matching on a small edge.
7A Kullavik Boulder 2020-11-07
Red point
Red point
Scooby Doo
7A Boulder at Gummark
7A Gummark Boulder 2020-07-17
Red point
Red point
The upside down (Ståstart)
7A+ Boulder at Gummark
Powerful traverse, nice!
7A+ Gummark Boulder 2020-07-17
Red point
Red point
Free tickets to a crappy comedy club
7A+ Boulder at Gummark
Nice climbing except for the rock in your back. I feel like the mental aspect is what makes it feel hard. Getting a toe up on the lowstart was extremely hard for me though, got nothing back except for cramp in the thigh xD.
7A (7A+) Gummark Boulder 2020-07-17
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Häller boulder
7A Häller boulder Boulder 2020-03-15
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Mellby
Barndoor climbing on a tall arete. Mental topout.
7C Mellby Boulder 2020-03-13
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Utby Boulder
Något enklare än vänstervariant tycker jag.
7A Utby Boulder Boulder 2020-02-12
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Utby Boulder
Kraftfull. Lite morpho.
7A Utby Boulder Boulder 2020-02-12
Red point
Red point
Voodo Lågstart
7B+ Boulder at Utby Boulder
Kraftfulla moves på små snedställda lister. Kvällsklättring i februari är ett för mig nytt fenomen. En utmaning att klättra med öppen handsfattning pga trasig A4.
7B+ Utby Boulder Boulder 2020-02-12
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Utby Boulder
Svårare än den ser ut. Två moves med areteklämmeri.
7A Utby Boulder Boulder 2020-01-25
Red point
Red point
El Maco
7A+ Boulder at Utby Boulder
En högfriktionsdag är nog att önska om man har planer på bestiga denna. Har snart övat in alla moves på stenen där man inte behöver en hel vänsterhand.
7A+ Utby Boulder Boulder 2020-01-25
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Tumlehed
Heelhook mantle on beautiful sloper.
6C+ (6C) Tumlehed Boulder 2020-01-19
Red point
Red point
Tumle SS
7B Boulder at Tumlehed
"Best sloper on the west coast"
7B Tumlehed Boulder 2020-01-19
Red point
Red point
7B+ Boulder at Tumlehed
Nice climbing and good rock.
7B+ Tumlehed Boulder 2020-01-19
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Utby Boulder
7A Utby Boulder Boulder 2019-10-03
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Utby Boulder
7A+ Utby Boulder Boulder 2019-10-03
Red point
Red point
Big Ben down on Sally
6A Boulder at Sundergrund
6A Sundergrund Boulder 2019-08-04
7A Boulder at Zillertal
Not sure about which boulder we climbed but it was graded 7A but felt much easier than that. Slab where you finish with both hands matched on a crimp.
6C (7A) Zillertal Boulder 2019-08-04
Lay Down Sally
6C Boulder at Sundergrund
My longest standing project. Tried it during my first climbing day ever in 2014.
6B (6C) Sundergrund Boulder 2019-08-04
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Sundergrund
6C Sundergrund Boulder 2019-08-04
6B Boulder at Sundergrund
Nice, short moves on jugs with good feet.
5 (6B) Sundergrund Boulder 2019-08-04
Man in the mirror
7B+ Boulder at Sundergrund
Crimpy traverse with sensitive heels
7B+ Sundergrund Boulder 2019-08-04
Red point
Red point
Porte de Grange
6A+ Boulder at Skravelsjö
6A+ Skravelsjö Boulder 2018-10-06
Crochet de Talon
6B Boulder at Skravelsjö
Ungefär like svår bana som Porte grange sitten.
7A (6B) Skravelsjö Boulder 2018-10-06
Red point
Red point
Porte de Grange assi
7A Boulder at Skravelsjö
Spektakulär. Still mindblown by the quality of the brushing.
7A Skravelsjö Boulder 2018-10-06
7A+ Boulder at Skravelsjö
Cool! Inte så svårt in i Milky way, men höjer absolut graden.
7A+ Skravelsjö Boulder 2018-10-06
Red point
Red point
Return to Sender
7B+ Boulder at Mosjön
Efter att ha desperat försökt fånga någon form av grepp uppe i klykan utan framgång så hittades en alternativ beta som kändes bättre för mig där man arbetar med fötterna uppe mot höger, plockar lilla krimpen mitt på facet i gaston och drar upp höger hand till pinch i höjd med klykan fast ca två dm från aretet och således inte på aretet enligt min och mina kompanjorers lekmansbedömning. Edit: Kikat på gamla videobetor och flera använder pinchen som jag skickar till efter att de har skickat vänster hand till klykan.
7B+ Mosjön Boulder 2018-09-29
Red point
Red point
Nya Mumana
7C Boulder at Mosjön
Underskattat urtoppningen några gånger och rykt av där. Gjordes med undercling-betan vid sänd, inte nödvändigtvis lättare men mindre chansartat än att fånga krimpen.
7C Mosjön Boulder 2018-09-29
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Flarken
Cool! Var chanslös på bicepsdraget i sittstarten.
6C Flarken Boulder 2018-09-27
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Flarken
7A+ Flarken Boulder 2018-09-27