A large spreadout area along a peaceful little stream which has some really good problems in all grades including three very hard lines Mooiste Meisie, Olifants Dawn & Red Bottom Sky.
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The area is access sensitive!
CapeNature Areas (Public land). Daily R60, weekly R200 and monthly R750 permits for climbing. Permits can be bought online through climbing.co.za but it is recommended that you buy them on site at for example De Pakhuys, Traveller's Rest or Clan Williams tourist office. The permits are not limited so they will not run out.
Park to the grave of Louis G. Leopoldt or by the road, whichever has space.
Take the cairned path. After little less than 400 meters, you'll arrive to the Dragonfly boulder and a little bit further are the Warmup boulders.
To get to the Oliphant's Dawn, White Mazda Clan and Wailing wall, you'll have to walk for another 300 meters.
So the approach is between 5 and 15 minutes, depending where you want to go.
Remember that the Riverside Gully doesn't have a decent path, the gully is filled with spiky bushes and the walking is preeetty annoying.