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? thumbnail
Fräulein Smillas Gespür für Schnee thumbnail
? thumbnail
6b+ Sport at Münchser Wand
Jojo thumbnail
6b+ Sport at Münchser Wand
Fingerkiller thumbnail
Sixduwohl thumbnail
Kaltstart thumbnail
Gelbe Seuche thumbnail
Direktes Bügeleisen thumbnail
Heuler thumbnail
Das Leben ist kein Ponyhof thumbnail
Bischofsmütze thumbnail
Gänsedieb thumbnail
Rüsselkäfer thumbnail
Potzblitz thumbnail
Traumtänzer thumbnail
Koch Lukas Gedenkweg thumbnail
? thumbnail
6b Sport at Münchser Wand
Franz Sticht Gedenkweg thumbnail
Vorturm Talseite thumbnail
Vorturm Talseite
6b Partially bolted at Stierberger Gemsenwand
Stierberger Weg thumbnail
Asseldach thumbnail
6a+ Sport at Münchser Wand
Fly and Smile thumbnail
Pfingsttour thumbnail
Rechter Riss thumbnail
Skorpion thumbnail
Krake thumbnail
Siurana thumbnail
Kartoffelkäfer thumbnail
Borkenkäfer thumbnail
6a+ Partially bolted at Käferstein
Alte Münchser Wand thumbnail
Mönchswand thumbnail
Domani diverziato thumbnail
Dynamisches Duo thumbnail
Brillenschlange thumbnail
Long Dong Silver thumbnail
Carpe Diem thumbnail
Printenmann thumbnail
6a+ Partially bolted at Stierberger Gemsenwand
Fingerhut thumbnail
OPC thumbnail
Candesartan thumbnail
Laputa thumbnail
6a Sport at Münchser Wand
Große Mauer thumbnail
3 x ziehen thumbnail
Rechter Fichtenriss Ausstiegsvariante thumbnail
Methusalemkante thumbnail
Stockzahn thumbnail
Angstriss thumbnail
Zwiebeltreter thumbnail
Frank Bobo thumbnail
Spinnwebenriss thumbnail
6a Partially bolted at Stierberger Gemsenwand
Corda con anima thumbnail
El Gordo thumbnail
Scharfes Eck thumbnail
Handriss thumbnail
6a Partially bolted at Stierberger Gemsenwand
Zugabe thumbnail
Direkter Höhlenweg thumbnail
? thumbnail
Fuchsweg thumbnail
Tigram thumbnail
Hirschkäfer thumbnail
5+ Partially bolted at Käferstein
Dampfbügeleisen thumbnail
Einzelkind thumbnail
5+ Partially bolted at Münchser Wand
Ostriss thumbnail
5+ Partially bolted at Stierberger Gemsenwand
Direkter Buchenbühler Weg thumbnail
Brillentöter thumbnail
Sonntagsweg thumbnail
10 Jahre Glück thumbnail
Bügeleisen thumbnail
Weiße Verschneidung thumbnail
Pony Pedro thumbnail
Wacholderweg thumbnail
5+ Partially bolted at Langer Berg sector Heuler
Südostwand thumbnail
Alter Riss thumbnail
Alter Riss
5+ Partially bolted at Langer Berg sector Smillas
Oldtimer thumbnail
Schmetzgeriss thumbnail
5+ Partially bolted at Stierberger Gemsenwand
Buchenbühler Weg thumbnail
Brezenpfeiler thumbnail
Traverse thumbnail
Südwestriss thumbnail
Blockiger Riss thumbnail
Thomasriss thumbnail
5+ Partially bolted at Münchser Wand
Faulpelz thumbnail
5+ Sport at Münchser Wand
Froher Leichnahm thumbnail
Froher Leichnahm
5+ Partially bolted at Münchser Wand
Fünfziger Kante thumbnail
Talseite thumbnail
5+ Sport at Münchser Wand

Climbing has been limited!

Please leave the forest one hour before sunset due to wild life.

This crag is located between the small villages "Münchs" and "Stierberg", 2 km west of "Betzenstein".
The easiest Approach is via Motorway A 9. Take exit #46 and drive to "Betzenstein". Drive almost through "Betzenstein" and turn left onto "Stierberger Straße" next to the sports field. You reach "Stierberg", turn left in the middle of the village towards "Münchs". 340 meters before you enter the village "Münchs" park to your right at the parking where the forest ends to your right next to the street.


Stierberger Gemsenwand:
Go back the road towards "Stierberg" for 320 meters. Turn left onto a forest road. After further 100 meters there's a foot path to your left leading to the crag.

Stierberger Nordwand:
Go back the road towards "Stierberg" for 320 meters. Turn left onto a forest road and follow that road for about 180 meters. You pass the base of "Stierberger Gemsenwand", then spot for the lowest section of the ridge. There's an unclear footpath crossing the ridge. Keep slightly right after you've passed the ridge, then you'll get to the very right section of the sector.

For all further sectors take the forest road into the forest up north (right to you, facing "Münchs"). Turn right immediately after you've entered the forest and follow the forest road up the hill for 100 meters.
From here: ->

Langer Berg Wände:
Turn left and get onto the hiking trail that is just 10 meters parallel behind to the forest road you get onto.
Follow that hiking trail. After 250 meters you'll pass the first sector (Heuler). Go ahead the hiking trail and you'll pass the next sectors (Smilla & Hyde). Last sector is after 670 meters.

Münchser Wand:
This sector is just in front of you slightly to your right.

Go to "Münchser Wand" and follow the crag's base to the left. Stay close to the rocks, otherwise you'll get lost between the young trees. You'll reach the sector after 180 meters.