Access info missing
Crag is missing access information, so remember that climbing is not always permitted. When parking, remember to leave unobstructed way for local habitants and agricultural machinery. Do not litter or make unnecessarily loud noises when at the cliff. Making fire is allowed only with a permit! Read more
We like Lintukallio
Juuso Kovanen
hyvä paikka aloittelijalle... pari epämukavaa ländäyst muute hyvä
Aaron Jones
Some really good routes , was able to climb a few good ones higher than my average grade at the moment, very pleased. Good rock quality , plenty of routes. Definitely a good place for beginners or even people who are transitioning from indoor bouldering to outdoor
Ansku Lehtovaara
Paikan kivi hellii kätösiä. Vähän on matalaa, mutta määrä korvaa joskus reittien laadun. Mun makuun turhan paljon eliminaatteja, mutta hyvät treenit tästäkin tuli.