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🚂 The easiest way to reach this crag is by commuter train stopping in Huopalahti station. Walk 2 minutes to Riistavuorenkuja 5. 🚶♂️ The path to the high wall goes behind the small maintenance/elect... Read more
Activities on this crag
- Onni Lampinen • 5 months agoupdated his or her tick list- Tyhjät Kattilat Kolisevat Eniten 6B
- Niskalaukaus 6C
- Hyppykuppa 5+ - Jyri Raatesalmi • 5 months agoupdated his tick list- Hyppykuppa 5+
- Kantiini 6A
- Eritropoketiini 6B
- Kämmittely 5+
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