Welcome Poivrot  thumbnail
Eau et gaz à tous les étages  thumbnail
Hercule poivrot  thumbnail
Welcome to the machine thumbnail
Hercule machine  thumbnail
Madonna  thumbnail
6c Sport at La Jeunesse
La Madone thumbnail
La Madone
6b+ Sport at La Jeunesse
La bande à cailloux thumbnail
Tokapi thumbnail
6b Sport at La Jeunesse
Manon L2 thumbnail
Manon L2
6b Sport at La Jeunesse
Be careful with that axe Eugène thumbnail
Tunderflash thumbnail
6b Sport at La Jeunesse
l'Appel de la savane  thumbnail
Le tsoin-tsoin thumbnail
Tristes tropiques thumbnail
Nougat Roc  thumbnail
Nougat Roc 
6a+ Sport at La Jeunesse
Scaramouche  thumbnail
6a+ Sport at La Jeunesse
La petanque sous les tropiques thumbnail
A l'ombre de la pluie thumbnail
Antwerpia  thumbnail
6a+ Sport at La Jeunesse
La mélampyre  thumbnail
Poupée Rose thumbnail
Poupée Rose
6a+ Sport at La Jeunesse
L'Eperon Walker  thumbnail
Négresses Vertes thumbnail
"Pas" en levrette pour les beaufs thumbnail
La culbute thumbnail
La culbute
6a Sport at La Jeunesse
La Rue de la Paix thumbnail
Bande d'enfoirés thumbnail
Culbute Raymonde dans les orties  thumbnail
La Mimi  thumbnail
La Mimi 
6a Sport at La Jeunesse
Raymond La Science  thumbnail
Le Genie des Alpages thumbnail
Les filles du bord de mer thumbnail
Manon thumbnail
5+ Sport at La Jeunesse
Cécile sproutch raider  thumbnail
Fra Diabolo  thumbnail
L' Eperon Croz  thumbnail
La pipe thumbnail
La pipe
5+ Sport at La Jeunesse
La variante Bibiche thumbnail
A l'Ombre de la Pluie M1 thumbnail
Dé con finement thumbnail
La nouvelle vieilesse thumbnail
La Belle Recompense  thumbnail
La nouvelle jeunesse  thumbnail
La Voronov  thumbnail
La barbe  thumbnail
La barbe 
5 Sport at La Jeunesse
La Belle-Mere thumbnail
La Rue Lepic thumbnail
Tout chez moi l'habite thumbnail
Le Pouillot Véloce  thumbnail
Le Combiné des Vahines  thumbnail
Raymonde Bidochon  thumbnail
Idiots savants thumbnail
Le Capitaine Haddock  thumbnail
La Pipette  thumbnail
La Pipette 
4 Traditional at La Jeunesse
La Yank  thumbnail
La Yank 
4 Sport at La Jeunesse
Green peace  thumbnail
L'Ancienne Jeunesse  thumbnail
La chauve-souris  thumbnail
La Traversée Serge  thumbnail
Le Caillou-qui-bique thumbnail
La grand-mère  thumbnail

Climbing has been limited!

The crags of "Freyr" are located on private property. The Club Alpin Belge rents the property and is responsible for the crags, the access, and the forest. This is also a Natura 2000 protected environment, so respect the place and it's rules to avoid any issues.

🇧🇪Belgian climbers have to be member of the Club Alpin Belge (CAB) or Klim- en Bergsportfederatie (KBF) to climb on the Belgian rocks.
🇳🇱 Dutch (NKBV) climbers need to buy a special "klimjaarkaart".
🌍 International occasional climbers must be a member of an official climbing federation or alpine club. The access is controlled by the CAB.
☎️ For information about climbing or sleeping facilities in the Freyr area, contact 0499.90.51.87.

🚗 30min from Namur
Driving on the E411 highway (from Namur or Luxembourg) take the exit 20 (Dinant / Philipville). Follow the N97 direction SE. After 5.7 km, take the exit for "Beauraing/Anseremme/Dinant". The exit comes quite sudden and is not well indicated, so keep your eyes open.
At the exit, take a right turn (downhill) and follow the road until you reach the river Meuse.
Take a left turn and drive through the village of Anseremme (🛒 You pass a supermarket on the right, which is open on sunday mornings too).
Drive over a narrow bridge at the confluence of the Lesse and Meuse and follow the road uphill.
When the road levels out, a parking apears on your right - across from 4 buildings.

The approaches to different sectors start att different places. All the trails can be found on the cragmap. Reaching the sectors will take 5-20 minutes of walking downhill.
It is easy to switch sectors throughout the day.