Nikita thumbnail
8c Sport at Nikita
Escalation (combo) thumbnail
Escalation (combo)
8b+ Sport at Nikita
Terminator (Combo) thumbnail
Ola Kala (combo) thumbnail
Ola Kala (combo)
8b+ Sport at Nikita
Hasta La Vista Gringo thumbnail
Borderline thumbnail
8b Sport at Infernale
Aytron thumbnail
8b Sport at Nikita
Sushi Bar (Combo) thumbnail
Baboiin! (Combo) thumbnail
Walk the Line (Combo) thumbnail
Nebenbuhler (Combo) thumbnail
Sisyphe thumbnail
8a+ Sport at Sisyphe
Jactatio thumbnail
8a+ Sport at Herman Buhl
Hermann Buhl thumbnail
Hermann Buhl
8a+ Sport at Herman Buhl
Baraka Part 2 (Combo) thumbnail
Daluxe (Combo) thumbnail
Daluxe (Combo)
8a+ Sport at Nikita
Massive Attack (Combo) thumbnail
Honnie and Bouwie (Combo) thumbnail
Foxy Lady (Combo) thumbnail
Was Not Was thumbnail
Was Not Was
8a Sport at Was Not Was
Baraka (Combo) thumbnail
Baraka (Combo)
8a Sport at Nikita
Y Tu Mama Tambien (Combo) thumbnail
La Part de L'Autre (Combo) thumbnail
Fomo thumbnail
8a Sport at Tiananmen
La loi de la vallée roya thumbnail
Isatis thumbnail
7c+ Sport at Isatis
Cima Ovest thumbnail
Cima Ovest
7c+ Sport at Nikita
Cima Nikita (Combo) thumbnail
Yollin thumbnail
7c+ Sport at Isatis
Ywéné Ywéné thumbnail
Ywéné Ywéné
7c+ Sport at Isatis
Remoise thumbnail
7c+ Sport at Remoise
Loan thumbnail
7c+ Sport at Herman Buhl
Tribut Croquettes thumbnail
La Cave a Mono (Combo) thumbnail
Crosstown Traffic thumbnail
Crosstown Traffic
7c+ Sport at Sisyphe
Years of Yearning thumbnail
Peaceful Warrior (Combo) thumbnail
L'Esprit Chasse la Matiére (Combo) thumbnail
Wa Schon-Da Schon (Combo) thumbnail
Nikita Light 3,5% Fat (Combo) thumbnail
Flash Over (Combo) thumbnail
Flash Over (Combo)
7c+ Sport at Nikita
Trippin' on Acid (Combo) thumbnail
Sportline (Combo) thumbnail
Willy der wurm Gedenkweg (Combo) thumbnail
Scramasax thumbnail
7c Sport at Isatis
Undercover Angel thumbnail
Bobby Brown thumbnail
Bobby Brown
7c Sport at Herman Buhl
Crosstown Traffic (Combo) thumbnail
Smetana thumbnail
7c Sport at Minimops
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace thumbnail
Apocalypse thumbnail
7c Sport at Infernale
Killing in the name thumbnail
Gottensanbeterin (Combo) thumbnail
Thought of a Septuagenarian (Combo) thumbnail
Le Grand Fly (Combo) thumbnail
Years of Yearning (Combo) thumbnail
Tiananmen 89 thumbnail
Tiananmen 89
7c Sport at Tiananmen
No more excuses thumbnail
Nishiki Alien thumbnail
Nishiki Alien
7b+ Sport at Was Not Was
Jacques thumbnail
7b+ Sport at Isatis
O3 thumbnail
7b+ Sport at Tempête
Tapis roulant thumbnail
Tapis roulant
7b+ Sport at Nikita
Superschlupp thumbnail
7b+ Sport at Infernale
Daiwel thumbnail
7b+ Sport at Infernale
Der Steppenwolf (Combo) thumbnail
El Club Dumas (Combo) thumbnail
No topo image available
Mike Tyson
7b+ Sport at Nikita
Infernale thumbnail
7b Sport at Infernale
Judd mat Gaardebounen thumbnail
Scanman thumbnail
7b Sport at Nikita
Gincobiloba thumbnail
7b Sport at Infernale
Ape's Odyssey (Combo) thumbnail
Hypertonus thumbnail
7b Sport at Sisyphe
March for our lives thumbnail
Ak Su (Combo) thumbnail
Ak Su (Combo)
7b Sport at Isatis
Opiff thumbnail
7b Sport at Tempête
La fissure des tricheurs thumbnail
Hypertonus thumbnail
7b Sport at Sisyphe
In Si Pockit (Combo) thumbnail
White Men Can't Jump (Combo) thumbnail
P. Dalle original thumbnail
P. Dalle original
7b Sport at S.I.P
Arrête, Paulette! thumbnail
Arrête, Paulette!
7a+ Sport at Isatis
Voleur de spits thumbnail
Voleur de spits
7a+ Sport at Nikita
Kaffisdous thumbnail
7a+ Sport at Was Not Was
Local Zeroes thumbnail
Local Zeroes
7a+ Sport at Remoise
Rocky Horror Friction Show thumbnail
Ouhh Bimm!!  thumbnail
Ouhh Bimm!!
7a+ Sport at Tiananmen
Nyarlatopeph thumbnail
7a+ Sport at Gentiane
Marguerite thumbnail
7a+ Sport at Was Not Was
Nishiki Alien arrête thumbnail
Shawshank  thumbnail
7a+ Sport at Tiananmen
Yellow Submarine thumbnail
Parapluie thumbnail
7a Sport at Sisyphe
Takla Makan thumbnail
Takla Makan
7a Sport at Takla Makan
Mike thumbnail
7a Sport at Nikita
Fränzi thumbnail
7a Sport at Isatis
Ecossaise thumbnail
7a Sport at Remoise
Choco Prince thumbnail
Choco Prince
7a Sport at Infernale
La Sans Nom thumbnail
La Sans Nom
7a Sport at Gentiane
Echhuschoneen thumbnail
7a Sport at Tiananmen

Climbing has been limited!

Climbing in Berdorf is under big pressure.
Please be extremely careful, respect nature, stick to the trails and carry out more than just your own trash.
Brush your holds when coming down.
Don't leave your gear lying in the middle of the hiking trails.

Climbing is only allowed in the indicated zones. No new routes are allowed. Trad climbing is not allowed.
The use of chalk should be kept to a minimum, so make sure to bring along a brush and brush the holds (and tickmarks) after climbing.
It is forbidden to top out onto the plateaus as well as abseil down from the top (both from trees or (old) anchors).

Respect this place and leave it cleaner than you found it. Berdorf gets a huge pressure from both climbers and hikers, and the future of climbing in this fairy-forest is at stake.

Getting to Berdorf:
Getting to Berdorf is easy by car. You can park on the North and South side, but we recommend to take the North parking as indicated on the map. The South parking is outside of one of the campings. You will also find the opportunity for a cold beer at the mini-golf bar here.
The North-side parking has a big picnic area and BBQ. Mind that camping here is forbidden

🚂 🚌
By public transportation:
From Luxembourg city, you can get to Berdorf by bus, which is relatively easy. Be prepared to change busses in Echternach or elsewhere.