
Yearly top 10 averages
8B 0 0 0
8A+ 14 0 14
8A 57 0 57
7C+ 152 2 150
7C 94 3 91
7B+ 48 9 39
7B 32 8 24
7A+ 20 7 13
7A 3 1 2
6C+ 3 0 3
6C 1 1 0
6B+ 1 1 0
6B 0 0 0
Ascent date
Ascent type
Out of State Primate
7C+ Boulder at Chief Mt.
7C+ Chief Mt. Boulder 2022-06-07
Red point
Red point
Goodbye To Romance (Sit)
7B+ Boulder at Clear Creek Canyon
7C (7B+) Clear Creek Canyon Boulder 2022-04-02
Red point
Red point
Finder's Fee
7C Boulder at Pollen Grains, Bishop
7C Pollen Grains, Bishop Boulder 2022-03-11
Red point
Red point
Bubba Gets Commited 
7C+ Boulder at Happy Boulders
7C+ Happy Boulders Boulder 2022-03-11
Red point
Red point
Water Hazard
7C+ Boulder at Sad Boulders
7C+ Sad Boulders Boulder 2022-03-09
Red point
Red point
Hardship Low
8A Boulder at Clear Creek Canyon
From the full sit. A real battle
8A Clear Creek Canyon Boulder 2022-01-23
FA Red point
FA Red point
7C+ Boulder at Clear Creek Canyon
7C+ Clear Creek Canyon Boulder 2021-12-20
Red point
Red point
Audubon Low
7C Boulder at Clear Creek Canyon
7C Clear Creek Canyon Boulder 2021-12-19
Red point
Red point
Schist Cave Center
7C+ Boulder at Leavenworth, WA
7C+ Leavenworth, WA Boulder 2021-10-15
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Leavenworth, WA
7C Leavenworth, WA Boulder 2021-10-15
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Leavenworth, WA
7C Leavenworth, WA Boulder 2021-10-15
Red point
Red point
Coles Corner
7B+ Boulder at Icicle Canyon
7B+ Icicle Canyon Boulder 2021-10-14
Red point
Red point
Heads will roll
7C Boulder at Leavenworth, WA
7C Leavenworth, WA Boulder 2021-10-11
Red point
Red point
Ram Skull Right
7C+ Boulder at Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans
7C+ Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans Boulder 2021-08-22
Red point
Red point
Eternal Torment of Self
7C+ Boulder at Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans
Sets a new standard for bad landings at Lincoln
7C+ Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans Boulder 2021-07-03
Red point
Red point
7C+ Boulder at Clear Creek Canyon
Right exit to Paths of Glory
7C (7C+) Clear Creek Canyon Boulder 2021-05-29
Red point
Red point
Chimichanga Classic
8A+ Boulder at The Scoop
Hardest boulder I've done in a while. Maybe 11 who knows.
8A+ The Scoop Boulder 2021-05-29
Red point
Red point
Nesting Place
7C+ Boulder at St. Vrain
7C+ St. Vrain Boulder 2021-05-18
Red point
Red point
8A Boulder at The Scoop
8A The Scoop Boulder 2021-05-08
Red point
Red point
Bubba Ho-Tep
7C+ Boulder at Short Creek Boulders
7C+ Short Creek Boulders Boulder 2021-04-02
Red point
Red point
Far Left of Scoop
7C+ Boulder at The Scoop
7B+ (7C+) The Scoop Boulder 2020-12-08
Red point
Red point
7C+ Boulder at Leavenworth, WA
In the rain. Probably the worst I've ever made a top out look.
7C+ Leavenworth, WA Boulder 2020-10-16
Red point
Red point
The Practioner
8A Boulder at Leavenworth, WA
Unexpected epic of the trip
8A Leavenworth, WA Boulder 2020-10-15
Red point
Red point
7C+ Forestlands, Leavenworth, Washington Boulder 2020-10-15
Red point
Red point
7C+ Boulder at Leavenworth, WA
Slight tree dab on the topout
7C+ Leavenworth, WA Boulder 2020-10-14
Red point
Red point
Dave's Problem
7C+ Boulder at Gold Bar, WA
7C+ Gold Bar, WA Boulder 2020-10-04
Red point
Red point
7C+ Boulder at Gold Bar, WA
7C+ Gold Bar, WA Boulder 2020-10-04
Red point
Red point
Immortal techniques
7C Boulder at Leavenworth, WA
Number 200. Soft, but that's how it goes sometimes. Close on a bunch of classics, once it finally drops below 80.
7C+ (7C) Leavenworth, WA Boulder 2020-10-01
Red point
Red point
Broken Wing
8A Boulder at Mt. Evans
8A Mt. Evans Boulder 2020-09-19
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Mt. Evans
7C Mt. Evans Boulder 2020-08-16
Red point
Red point
The great lockdown
8A Boulder at Mt. Evans
7C+ (8A) Mt. Evans Boulder 2020-07-29
Red point
Red point
7C+ Boulder at Mt. Evans
7C+ Mt. Evans Boulder 2020-07-27
Red point
Red point
The Hessian
8A Boulder at Mt. Evans
Past Sunseeker, not positive on the name. Felt about low end 11.
8A Mt. Evans Boulder 2020-07-11
Red point
Red point
Gorillas in the Mist
7C+ Boulder at Mt. Evans
7C+ Mt. Evans Boulder 2020-07-11
Red point
Red point
7C+ Boulder at Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans
what a day
7C+ Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans Boulder 2020-05-22
Red point
Red point
7C+ Boulder at Clear Creek Canyon
7C+ Clear Creek Canyon Boulder 2020-05-09
Red point
Red point
Bullet Ant
7C+ Boulder at Clear Creek Canyon
7C+ Clear Creek Canyon Boulder 2020-05-04
Red point
Red point
Lance's Arete
7C Boulder at Mt. Evans
New classic? Unsure on name, but this is what it should be called
7C Mt. Evans Boulder 2020-05-02
Red point
Red point
Darkness At Noon Stand
7C+ Boulder at Clear Creek Canyon
7C+ Clear Creek Canyon Boulder 2020-05-01
Red point
Red point
King of Sting
7C+ Boulder at Clear Creek Canyon
7C+ Clear Creek Canyon Boulder 2020-05-01
Red point
Red point
Monkey Trench
7C+ Boulder at Red Rocks - First Pullout
7C (7C+) Red Rocks - First Pullout Boulder 2020-01-20
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Pine Creek Canyon
7C Pine Creek Canyon Boulder 2020-01-20
Red point
Red point
Moulin Rouge
7C Boulder at Clear Creek Canyon
feel like myself again
7C+ (7C) Clear Creek Canyon Boulder 2019-12-24
Red point
Red point
Foxy Lady
8A Boulder at Magic Wood
7C+ (8A) Magic Wood Boulder 2019-09-30
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Brione
7C Brione Boulder 2019-09-24
Red point
Red point
The Inspirationalist
7C+ Boulder at Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans
7C+ Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans Boulder 2019-09-14
Red point
Red point
Puma Pants
7B+ Boulder at Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans
7B+ Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans Boulder 2019-09-11
Red point
Red point
Like Ghosts
8A Boulder at Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans
8A Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans Boulder 2019-09-07
Red point
Red point
Thank U, Necks
7C+ Boulder at Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans
what a stunner
7C+ Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans Boulder 2019-09-07
Red point
Red point
Ocarina of Time
7C+ Boulder at Mt. Evans
Fourteen thousand feet in the air
7C+ Mt. Evans Boulder 2019-09-02
Red point
Red point
7C+ Boulder at Hallet
7C+ Hallet Boulder 2019-07-20
Red point
Red point
Weeping Willow
8A Boulder at Hallet
Established on the slab and stepped off
7C+ (8A) Hallet Boulder 2019-07-13
Red point
Red point
Hamburgler Extension
7C+ Boulder at Wild Basin, RMNP
7C+ Wild Basin, RMNP Boulder 2019-06-23
Red point
Red point
Ain't No Heaven For A Thug
8A+ Boulder at Wild Basin, RMNP
8A+ Wild Basin, RMNP Boulder 2019-06-09
Red point
Red point
Mysteries and Insanity
7C+ Boulder at Chaos Canyon
7C+ Chaos Canyon Boulder 2019-06-02
Red point
Red point
The Anvil
7C+ Boulder at Boulder Canyon
7C+ Boulder Canyon Boulder 2019-05-18
Red point
Red point
Coup de Lune
7C Boulder at Éléphant
This place... felt about right but I did a 5C slab that was harder
7C Éléphant Boulder 2019-05-10
Red point
Red point
Fresh Bagel
7C+ Boulder at Lincoln Woods
7C+ Lincoln Woods Boulder 2019-03-29
Red point
Red point
Erotical Vomiting sd
7C Boulder at Ginzling Wald
7C Ginzling Wald Boulder 2018-10-13
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Zillertal
7A+ Zillertal Boulder 2018-10-13
Heart Attack
7C+ Boulder at Zillergrund
7C+ Zillergrund Boulder 2018-10-13
Red point
Red point
Giacomo Giacomo
7C Boulder at Zillergrund
7C+ (7C) Zillergrund Boulder 2018-10-13
Red point
Red point
Analdin und die Wunderschlampe
8A Boulder at Zillergrund
8A Zillergrund Boulder 2018-10-13
Red point
Red point
Clockwork Orange
8A Boulder at Zillergrund
8A Zillergrund Boulder 2018-10-11
Red point
Red point
Agent Orange
7C Boulder at Zillergrund
7C Zillergrund Boulder 2018-10-11
Red point
Red point
7C+ Boulder at Sundergrund
7C+ Sundergrund Boulder 2018-10-10
Red point
Red point
7C+ Boulder at Zillertal
7C+ Zillertal Boulder 2018-10-08
Red point
Red point
7C+ Boulder at Zillergrund
So good! Not sure what is going on with sit versus stand on this one, but I think starting low on the obvious good holds makes the most sense, and is 7C+.
7C+ Zillergrund Boulder 2018-10-07
Red point
Red point
Tangerine Man
7B+ Boulder at Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans
7B+ Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans Boulder 2018-09-23
Red point
Red point
7B+ Boulder at Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans
7B+ Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans Boulder 2018-09-23
Makers Mark Sit
7B+ Boulder at Mt. Evans
7B+ Mt. Evans Boulder 2018-08-20
Red point
Red point
Potato Chip Sit
7B+ Boulder at Chaos Canyon
7B+ Chaos Canyon Boulder 2018-08-11
Red point
Red point
7B+ Boulder at Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans
7B+ Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans Boulder 2018-07-31
Cloak of the Tiger
7B+ Boulder at Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans
7C (7B+) Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans Boulder 2018-07-31
Red point
Red point
Toxic Shock
7B+ Boulder at Guanella Pass
Definitely worth the 90 minute drive in traffic
7B+ Guanella Pass Boulder 2018-07-21
Attack on Titan
8A Boulder at Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans
8A Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans Boulder 2018-07-16
Red point
Red point
Dismantling the Enemy
8A+ Boulder at Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans
Happy. Worked hard for this one
8A+ Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans Boulder 2018-06-24
Red point
Red point
World Famous Pow Wow
7B+ Boulder at Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans
7B+ Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans Boulder 2018-06-03
Red point
Red point
7C+ Boulder at Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans
7C+ Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans Boulder 2018-06-03
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans
7B Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans Boulder 2018-06-03
7B+ Boulder at Three Sisters
7B+ Three Sisters Boulder 2018-04-28
Red point
Red point
Outside Logs
7C+ Boulder at St. Vrain
7C+ St. Vrain Boulder 2018-03-31
Red point
Red point
Hueco Nightmares
8A Boulder at Lincoln Woods
I guess this broke and is 8A now?
8A Lincoln Woods Boulder 2018-03-23
Red point
Red point
Conquest of the Irrational
7C+ Boulder at Lincoln Woods
7C+ Lincoln Woods Boulder 2018-03-23
Red point
Red point
Shoot to Maim
7C+ Boulder at Lincoln Woods
7C+ Lincoln Woods Boulder 2018-03-23
Red point
Red point
Nocturnal Animals
7C+ Boulder at Red Zone
7C+ Red Zone Boulder 2018-03-04
Red point
Red point
Wake of the Flood
7C Boulder at St. Vrain
7C St. Vrain Boulder 2018-01-27
Red point
Red point
8A Boulder at St. Vrain
8A St. Vrain Boulder 2018-01-14
Red point
Red point
Chronic sit
7C+ Boulder at Farley Ledges
7C+ Farley Ledges Boulder 2017-11-12
Red point
Red point
Babies with Rabies
7C+ Boulder at Farley
7C+ Farley Boulder 2017-11-11
Red point
Red point
Creaking Heights
6C Boulder at Roadside
Incredible. My six weeks here are finished. The best boulder problem I have ever done.
6C Roadside Boulder 2017-07-22
7C+ Boulder at The Section
7C+ The Section Boulder 2017-07-21
Red point
Red point
Gliding Through Waves Like Dolphins
8A DIHEDRAL BOULDERS - Bouldering Boulder 2017-07-21
Red point
Red point
Cry baby
7C+ Boulder at Sassies
7C+ Sassies Boulder 2017-07-20
Red point
Red point
No Late Tenders
7C+ Boulder at Fields of Joy
7C+ Fields of Joy Boulder 2017-07-17
Red point
Red point
7C THE COOP - Bouldering and 1 Trad Route Boulder 2017-07-13
Red point
Red point
Oral Office
8A+ Boulder at Roadside
8A+ Roadside Boulder 2017-07-12
Red point
Red point
Hole In One
7C+ Boulder at PLATEAU - Bouldering
7C+ PLATEAU - Bouldering Boulder 2017-07-11
Red point
Red point
8A Boulder at Sassies
8A Sassies Boulder 2017-07-10
Red point
Red point
Splash of Red
7C+ Boulder at Sassies
7C+ Sassies Boulder 2017-07-10
Red point
Red point