No special access issues
Drive from Margalef towards Lérida for 1.6km (km 6.2) and turn right onto the road to «El Pantà» (reservoir). After 1.7km, turn right again onto a surfaced track that descends towards the river. Drive a further 250m, cross the bridge and park on the right side (2km). .
Take the path that follows the riverside for 400m until a cross path. Take the first path to the left, slightly steep, and after 6-7 minutes you’ll reach the right side of sector Culample4.
From the right side of Sector Culample4, walk to the right following the base of the wall (don’t enter in the narrow gorge of sector Fosc). Continue a few meters more and you’ll find the sector.
Take the path that follows the riverside for 400m until a cross path. Take the first path to the left, slightly steep, and after 6-7 minutes you’ll reach the right side of sector Culample4.
Take the path that follows the riverside for 400m until a cross path. Take the first path to the left, slightly steep, and after 6-7 minutes you’ll reach the right side of sector Culample4.
From the right side of Sector Culample4, cross a narrow gorge (sector Fosc) and after 1 minute walking, find the sector on the left side
Racó de l’Heura:
Take the path that follows the riverside for 400m until a cross path. Take the first path to the left, slightly steep, and after 6-7 minutes you’ll reach the right side of sector Culample4. Walk to the left, cross the sector Culample4 till the end, and follow the path a further 50m. When you arrive to a wooden steps, turn left onto a clearly marked path and reach the sector in 2 minutes.
Take the path that follows the riverside for 400m until a cross path (photo 1). Take the path shown in the photo 1. Walk 30 meters and turn left onto a path that enters the valley. Along the following 200m you will see a couple of paths to the right hand side, ignore them and continue straight. Always follow the path that enters the valley and, after 15min walking (from the parking), find Totxo de la Catedral on the left hand side.
To go to Purgatori, pass Totxo de la Catedral, a few meters ahead the path splits. Take the left path and walk 5 minutes up to reach the sector.
Take the path that follows the riverside for 400m until a cross path (photo 1). Take the path shown in the photo 1. Walk 30 meters and turn left onto a path that enters the valley. Along the following 200m you will see a couple of paths to the right hand side, ignore them and continue straight. Always follow the path that enters the valley and, after 15min walking (from the parking), find Totxo de la Catedral on the left hand side.
To go to Purgatori, pass Totxo de la Catedral, a few meters ahead the path splits. Take the left path and walk 5 minutes up to reach the sector.
To go to L’Escut, Top Mantel and Planxa, cross Purgatori to the right.
To reach the L’Escut cliff base, find the iron rungs.