No special access issues

🚗 Driving Directions
From downtown Fayetteville (starting at Water Stone Outdoors), drive southeast on N Court St for 0.3 miles and turn left on Fayette Ave. Drive 0.3 miles then turn right on Park Drive. After 0.4 miles, after passing the majority of Fayetteville Town Park, turn right into the small final park entrance. Drive to the back and park along the loop.

🚶‍♂️ Hiking Directions:
At the back of the parking loop is the trail head for the Park Loop Trail. Take this trail, then take the RIGHT fork (following the Fayetteville Trail) after 220ft. Walk 0.4 miles to another intersection and take a RIGHT to continue on the Fayetteville Trail. This will descend down to Wolf Creek in another 0.4 miles. Cross the creek over a large bridge, then within about 50ft on your LEFT there will be a faint social trail diving into the woods, approximately paralleling Wolf Creek. Walk about 30 yards, then the trail takes a left down to the creek itself. It should be an obvious descent towards the creek bed. Follow the cliff (that is on your right) of increasing height, as you lose elevation down to the water. You'll come to the edge of the creek. The creek meets the cliff for about 20ft. After especially heavy rains you may need to take your shoes and socks off to wade through a few inches of water, but normally this is dry. After crossing the edge of the creek hop up some rocks, hug the cliff line, and continue to follow the weak trail. Another 25 yards or less and you'll dive down the hill away from the cliff line back towards the creek (but you're still not on the creek itself). Continue through a more open pine forest in a downstream direction. The trail will soon cut back away from the water again and towards the cliff line. The boulders are here. You'll see the side of the house-sized Deep Fried Boulder first. The Loaded Biscuit Boulder is 75ft up the hill behind it and to the right. The project boulder sits in the middle of the creek, the problems face downstream and the boulder must be approached from the downstream end. It is likely easiest to find the Deep Fried Boulder, then walk back towards the creek, drop down into the creek bed and work your way upstream. Most of the trail is well maintained with some elevation change. The end of the trail becomes poorly maintained and uneven with steep parts and a rocky scramble but with relatively little elevation change. Total hiking time is about 35 minutes.


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email