Petite Arvine thumbnail
Dancer in the Dark thumbnail
Method Man thumbnail
Method Man
7A Boulder at Highlander
Method Man Extended thumbnail
Holy hand grenade thumbnail
Holy hand grenade
7B Boulder at Le Frigo
Le trou noir thumbnail
Le trou noir
7B Boulder at Le trou noir
Caran d'ache thumbnail
Caran d'ache
7A+ Boulder at Caran d’Ache
What should never be thumbnail
Cité d'énergie thumbnail
Cité d'énergie
7A Boulder at Warm up 2
Reciprocity thumbnail
7A Boulder at Reciprocity
Touch by the Devil thumbnail
Creatures of Comfort thumbnail
Les yeux complètement rouges thumbnail
Les yeux de satan complètement rouges thumbnail
Satan Eye's thumbnail
Satan Eye's
8B Boulder at Devil’s Cave
Sergent Garcia thumbnail
Black Swan Stand thumbnail
Le feu sans flamme thumbnail
Nid oui Nid non thumbnail
Petite Creature thumbnail
Satan thumbnail
8A Boulder at Devil’s Cave
Traverse by the devil thumbnail
Crapulation thumbnail
7C Boulder at La Mare
Les yeux rouges thumbnail
Dickfrau thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Dickfrau
Troubles come knocking thumbnail
Suncid stand thumbnail
Suncid stand
7A Boulder at La Mare
Circus circus thumbnail
Circus circus
7B Boulder at La Mare
Bousse thumbnail
7A Boulder at Devil’s Cave
L' âge de pierre thumbnail
Alain´s Praven thumbnail
Alain´s Praven
6C+ Boulder at Warm up 1
Dancer in the Dark stand thumbnail
Suncid thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at La Mare
Ergonomie thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Warm up 1
Pas du chat thumbnail
Pas du chat
7B+ Boulder at La Mare
Un paradis en enfer thumbnail
Eclairage thumbnail
6A Boulder at Warm up 1
Cadence thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Warm up 1
Tisa thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Warm up 1
Raven thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Warm up 1
Couper à Travers thumbnail
Raison d'être thumbnail
Raison d'être
6A Boulder at Warm up 2
Poignées chauffantes thumbnail
Sitting Bull thumbnail
Sitting Bull
7A Boulder at Sitting Bull
L'empire du Milieu thumbnail
La Mare thumbnail
La Mare
8B Boulder at La Mare
Big Fat thumbnail
Big Fat
8B Boulder at Wall
Bladerunner thumbnail
7A Boulder at La Mare
Copulation thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at La Mare
Les Niakettes thumbnail
Les Niakettes
7B Boulder at Le trou noir
The sharp side of live thumbnail
Lucifer thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Devil’s Cave
Highlander thumbnail
6A Boulder at Highlander
L' âge de Pierre directe thumbnail
Arete thumbnail
6A Boulder at Le trou noir
P'tit mur thumbnail
P'tit mur
5+ Boulder at Le trou noir
Jetez tout thumbnail
Jetez tout
6B+ Boulder at Le trou noir
Sitcid thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at La Mare
Keeper of the Gloom thumbnail
Interstellar Overdrive thumbnail
Bull thumbnail
6B Boulder at Sitting Bull
Le Frigo thumbnail
Le Frigo
7B Boulder at Le Frigo
Le Cyclope thumbnail
Le Cyclope
6B Boulder at Le trou noir
Le bloc au Man thumbnail
Le bloc au Man
7B+ Boulder at La Mare
Malou  thumbnail
6B Boulder at Bloc du Pylone
Malou extended  thumbnail
Le Trou  thumbnail
Le Trou
6C Boulder at Bloc du Pylone
Balu  thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Bloc du Pylone
Trav du Slow thumbnail
Ouzo sur le Piaggio thumbnail
Circus Circus left start thumbnail
Ol' Dirty Bastard thumbnail
Ol' Dirty Bastard
6B+ Boulder at Highlander
Ol' Dirty Bastard extended thumbnail
Plume  thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Le trou noir
Plume à la dalle  thumbnail
Plume a monstre la dalle thumbnail
Easy Pierre thumbnail
Back of Pierre thumbnail
La pesée thumbnail
Slab thumbnail
Frau thumbnail
6B Boulder at Dickfrau
Easy Traverse thumbnail
Project thumbnail
Black wall thumbnail
Black wall
6C Boulder at Reciprocity
Coté du machin thumbnail
La colombe thumbnail
La colombe
8C Boulder at Caran d’Ache
L'arete thumbnail
6A Boulder at Caran d’Ache
Dalle 1 thumbnail
Dalle 1
6A+ Boulder at Caran d’Ache
Dalle 2 thumbnail
Dalle 2
6A+ Boulder at Caran d’Ache
Dalle 3 thumbnail
Dalle 3
6A+ Boulder at Caran d’Ache
Project thumbnail
? Boulder at Caran d’Ache
Project thumbnail
? Boulder at Devil’s Cave
Project thumbnail
? Boulder at Devil’s Cave
Kill bill thumbnail
Kill bill
7B+ Boulder at La Mare
L'empire du milieu sit thumbnail
Sergent Stand thumbnail
Zorro thumbnail
7A Boulder at Sergent Garcia
Wall thumbnail
6C Boulder at Wall
Wall 2 thumbnail
Wall 2
6C+ Boulder at Wall
Arete thumbnail
6B Boulder at Warm up 2
Sit thumbnail
4+ Boulder at Warm up 2
Method Mad Hyper Extended thumbnail
Backcountry thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Highlander
Easy thumbnail
6A Boulder at Highlander
La baffe thumbnail
Slow 2 thumbnail
Slow 3 thumbnail
Les Trous ronds thumbnail
Boulder 1 thumbnail
Boulder 1
6A+ Boulder at Boulder 1
Right arete thumbnail
Right arete
6A Boulder at Boulder 1
Left Arete thumbnail
Left Arete
6A+ Boulder at Boulder 1
Boulder 1 stand thumbnail
Boulder 1 stand
5+ Boulder at Boulder 1
Le Jump thumbnail
Le trou direct  thumbnail
Copulation Left Exit thumbnail
Black Swan Sit thumbnail
Black Swan low thumbnail
No topo image available
El Castigo thumbnail
El Castigo
6A+ Boulder at Boulder 1
Redman thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Highlander
La Pierre de l'Âge thumbnail
T’cheu c’t’équipe thumbnail
Around the world thumbnail
Around the world
6B Boulder at Boulder 1
Le crabe  thumbnail
Le crabe
6A Boulder at Warm up 2
La boîte à Crayon  thumbnail

The area is access sensitive!

🚗 Check the map to find the parking, it's in front of the electric installations. You can park in the big parking.
🚶‍♂️ Follow the trail on the map. You reach the "Pisciculture" (Parking there is tolerated if not too many car, please be respectful) and you find the first boulder at the beginning of the forest. It's an easy 2-5min walk.

No special rules, but of course bring back your trash and don't be too loud.
As it becomes popular, it's really important to not leave any trash in the forest! Thanks!