
The crag lies mostly untouched on a small plateau, with alot of possibilities for first ascends. Short walk between boulders of all sizes, and the mountain side has rougher bunched up piles of boulders as well. The various boulders dont need much brushing, but its recommended to bring a steel brush for any FA attempts 🪥

🪨 The rock dries relatively fast as there isnt alot of moss on the boulders, and the best season of climbing is generally May through September. Winter bouldering is also possible during the coldest months.

Boulders vary with sharp crimps, jugs, slabs and steep hard overhangs. You can climb here at any level 🧗

🟢Suggesting lines is highly encouraged!


Little known climbing activity before 2021 when Ramberg og Boine started climbing the area. The boulders are easily spotted from the hiking trail. Additional lines brushed by Paulsen in 2024.

Routes on Transfarelvdalen
9 boulder 3 Likes
Premium topo by Kaiskuru
Torgrim Dahl
from Alta
Bjørnulf Håkenrud
from Alta, Norway
Martin Andreas
from Alta