Lobotoknee thumbnail
All-night diner thumbnail
Donkeystrength  thumbnail
Rinkhals thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Rinkhals
Short story society  thumbnail
Short story society
7C+ Boulder at SSS
The beauty of impermanence  thumbnail
Nardwuar thumbnail
Shell Silverstein thumbnail
Concussion protocol  thumbnail
Power tripping thumbnail
Disposable everything  thumbnail
Wretched Throng thumbnail
Bottom shelf thumbnail
Bottom shelf
7B+ Boulder at Top shelf
Red tortoise bandit thumbnail
Tripping balls thumbnail
Big swingin' penis thumbnail
Climbing up the walls thumbnail
Bohemian Blasphemy thumbnail
Time trap thumbnail
Time trap
7A+ Boulder at Time trap
Neuroprimer thumbnail
Cabin pressure  thumbnail
Cabin pressure
7A+ Boulder at Cabin wall
Dodging bullets thumbnail
What do you know thumbnail
What do you know
7A Boulder at WDYK
Top shelf thumbnail
Top shelf
7A Boulder at Top shelf
Black Label thumbnail
Black Label
7A Boulder at Black label
Recruitment pulls thumbnail
Stage Dive thumbnail
Stage Dive
7A Boulder at Amphitheater
Bad neighbors thumbnail
Bad neighbors
7A Boulder at Cabin wall
After hanabi thumbnail
After hanabi
7A Boulder at WDYK
Tripping balls racourcci thumbnail
Spare the rod thumbnail
Spare the rod
6C+ Boulder at Disciplinarian
Nardouw Style  thumbnail
Guilt tripping thumbnail
Spoil the child thumbnail
Maciej mushrooms  thumbnail
League night  thumbnail
Hanabi thumbnail
6C Boulder at WDYK
Privilege thumbnail
6C Boulder at Amphitheater
One hand clapping  thumbnail
Leaping lizards thumbnail
Slick Willy's  thumbnail
Skin to the wind thumbnail
Skin to the wind
6B+ Boulder at Hidden wall
Escape hatch  thumbnail
Everyone's a winner thumbnail
2 buck chuck thumbnail
2 buck chuck
6B Boulder at Top shelf
Lencho’s Bulge thumbnail
Cup of Sugar thumbnail
Cup of Sugar
6B Boulder at Cabin wall
Teeffie thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Hidden wall
Sunny disposition  thumbnail
What's another thumbnail
Straight up chuck thumbnail
Nardouwelcome thumbnail
6A Boulder at Top shelf
Masonic practices thumbnail
Pyramid scheme thumbnail
Maak a plan thumbnail
Maak a plan
6A Boulder at Hidden wall
King in the castle thumbnail
ANW (African Ninja Warrior) thumbnail
Lila thumbnail
5 Boulder at Hidden wall
Pan out thumbnail
Pan out
5 Boulder at The nugget
Sandcastles thumbnail
Project thumbnail
? Boulder at Cabin wall
Stabbin' cabin project  thumbnail
Traverse project thumbnail
Prowd project thumbnail
Mantle project thumbnail
Mantle project
? Boulder at Shady prow
Slopey lip project thumbnail
Undercling project 1 thumbnail
Undercling project 2 thumbnail
Hare brained project thumbnail
Poacher's project  thumbnail
Spaghetti roof project  thumbnail
Steeper than steep project thumbnail
Crimp lord project thumbnail
Crimp lawd project thumbnail
King of Nardouw project  thumbnail
Convenient parking project thumbnail
Wave wall project thumbnail
Project  thumbnail
? Boulder at Wave wall
Project thumbnail
? Boulder at Time trap
Project thumbnail
? Boulder at Time trap
Project  thumbnail
Crack project  thumbnail
Project  thumbnail
Project  thumbnail
? Boulder at WDYK
Maciej's arete project  thumbnail

The area is access sensitive!

IMPORTANT: You MUST notify Mario and get a permit before climbing at Nardouw, every time!

There is a private permit system in place separate from the pakhuis pass/cederberg permit. You MUST check in with Mario by WhatsApp (+27 63 306 7812) and stop by the farm house to pay the day use. (Day: R50, Week: R300, Month: R1000.)
Card or Cash accepted, and deals available for guests at Nardouw camping/accomodations.

You can contact Michael Plesser (@v10issoft on IG) with climbing or topo questions.

1) Either take the Elizabethsfontein dirt road from near travellers rest past the sassies, then past taj mahal, until Nardouw appears on the right. (~35 min. from the farm stall, dirt roads)
2) Alternatively, head back over the pass and just before Clanwilliam take the road north to Klawer. A few minutes after the pavement ends, turn right up the Nardouwberg valley and Nardouw will be on the left. (~40 min. from the farmstall, mostly paved)

Differs by area, consult the map or ask Mario.
All parking is on top of the cliff and requires passing the farm house. Do NOT park by the lower/main road.

There are fence boundaries that must be respected, do NOT enter land if you do not know who owns it. In the future the neighbors may be amenable to opening access, but NOT if climbers betray their trust. Let Mario negotiate since he knows them, and don't blow it for everyone by "just having a look"!

Some boulders are near the Nardouw cabin, respect the privacy of the guests! These boulders in particular you must ask permission from Mario to access.

Always check for rock art before cleaning anything, there is lots on the property!