No special access issues
Parking is right next to the street in Wiesent-Valley at a long lay-by across the mill "Stempfermühle". Approaching from West drive via "Ebermannstadt" up the river towards "Behringersmühle". Parking is 2 km after the junction towards "Leutzdorf", about 7,8 km after "Muggendorf".
Approaching from East drive via Gößweinstein/Behringersmühle down the Wiesent-valley towards "Ebermannstadt". Parking is to your left 870 meters after junction towards "Waischenfeld".
Stempfermühler Wand:
Go down the street towards "Ebermannstadt"/"Muggendorf" for 240 meters. Where the rail way bridge starts go ahead for 70 meters until there's a path to your right leading up to the wall.
Fallendes Laub:
Go up the street towards "Behringersmühle" for a few meters and take the hiking path to your left leading up to the small house. In front of the house turn left, there's a path leading parallel to the street towards "Muggendorf". Follow that path for 80 meters. It'll end up at the crag.