Ejaculator thumbnail
Kangourous direct thumbnail
Rose Bonbon thumbnail
Les Kangourous n'ont pas d'Arête thumbnail
Les Caprices de Marina thumbnail
Au rythme de nos coeurs thumbnail
La Palud thumbnail
La Palud
5+ Sport at Dalle du Graal
Alice au pays des Merveilles thumbnail
La Brunetti thumbnail
Mon P'tit Bijou thumbnail
La Président thumbnail
Rose des sables thumbnail
Variante sortie Président thumbnail
Rocher de Landelies

The area is access sensitive!

The cliff is private property of the limestone quarry just behind the cliff. The Belgian Alpine Club has a convention with the owner to be allowed to climb on the cliff. It also has the necessary permits from the local authorities.
As for all belgian cliffs, you must be member of the Belgian Alpine Club or the Klim and Bergsport Federatie to be allowed to climb on this site. Members of other Alpine Clubs, member of UIAA (International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation) are also authorized if they can show their active membershipcard and if they are covered by a valid liability insurance.
Control of the membership takes very often place by the CAB local representative.
Parking along the road at the hill side- beware to let space enough for trucks coming to and out of the quarry.

BE AWARE that the quarry is still active and during the week there can be mine blasting during the day (9 to 16). There is a warning by siren sounds.
Camping and fire places are not authorized.