
A concentrated little area located above Camp Sallie, de Pakhuys.

Apart the obvious classics like Free Hugs and Roadkill Cafe, we would like to recommend you Ellipse, Koevoet.

If you like dynos, why not try "You kill, we grill".

For the people who like slabs, there are nice (and easy) slabs at Cederberg Sushi.

The walk-in to The Invitation is probably easier from the sand pit on the right, just after the junction to the damn (which is to the left).


Justin Hawkins & Arthur Veenhuys were the first to climb here in 2009, and a year later it greatly expended by Guy Holwill & Michael Janata.

A few more quality boulders were added in the year after as well as a couple of quality traditional routes.

The large walls overlooking the field were also bolted but they are featured in another topo.

ROADKILL CAFE - Bouldering & Tradclimbing

The area is access sensitive!

Access: Permit required!

Drive: Park to the campground.

Walk: Navigate yourself towards the bar, pass the bar. You'll see two gullies before you. Choose the right one. It is the memorial path for a slackline. Follow the marked path and climb up and you'll find yourself on a path to Roadkill. Approach is under 5 minutes.