Solitary Man thumbnail
Solitary Man
8c+ Sport at Mariandlwand
Klotos Keule thumbnail
Zentralmassiv thumbnail
Falanga thumbnail
8a Sport at Bayreuther Riss
Moon Safari thumbnail
My Curse thumbnail
My Curse
7c+ Sport at Treusteiner Wand
Guten Morgen Lemminge thumbnail
The Shield thumbnail
Wicked Wonderland thumbnail
Schmetterlingseffekt thumbnail
Powerschleicher thumbnail
Quarks & Co thumbnail
Holde Maid thumbnail
Schrollperstein thumbnail
Mad Eye Moody thumbnail
Schmetterlingsvariante thumbnail
Direkte Konsequenz thumbnail
Chaosprinzip thumbnail
Methodman thumbnail
7b+ Sport at Bayreuther Riss
Just in Time thumbnail
Bela Lugosi thumbnail
Jasterweg thumbnail
7b+ Partially bolted at Bayreuther Riss
Arschkriecher thumbnail
Raven Roof thumbnail
Raven Roof
7b+ Sport at Schrollwand
Raven's Corner thumbnail
Rabbit Run thumbnail
Rabbit Run
7b+ Sport at Schrollwand
Durchriss thumbnail
Neutron thumbnail
7a+ Partially bolted at Bayreuther Riss
None-Capitalism-Zone thumbnail
Heart of stone thumbnail
Katrin Stingl Gedengweg thumbnail
Kurz vor Acht thumbnail
? thumbnail
6c+ Sport at Treusteiner Wand
Fränkische Sulz'n thumbnail
Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis thumbnail
Rabenecker Türmchen thumbnail
BIG thumbnail
6c+ Sport at Mariandlwand
Kinetische Kette thumbnail
Guerilla Gardening thumbnail
Labium majus sinister thumbnail
Back to the beginning thumbnail
Fleischwolf thumbnail
Treusteiner Weg thumbnail
Osterhasenweg thumbnail
Hollereidulljöh thumbnail
Direkter Hansenweg thumbnail
Grenzenlose Neugier thumbnail
Hansenweg thumbnail
6a+ Sport at Rabenecker Wand
Pipeline thumbnail
6a+ Sport at Schrollwand
Bayreuther Riss Variante thumbnail
Bayreuther Riss thumbnail
Rabenecker Weg thumbnail
Recycler thumbnail
6a Sport at Schrollwand
Gemsenweg thumbnail
5+ Partially bolted at Rabenecker Wand
Frankenländer Kamin thumbnail
Tor der Tränen thumbnail
Tor der Tränen
3 Traditional at Rabenecker Wand
Projekt thumbnail
? thumbnail
? Sport at Treusteiner Wand
? thumbnail
? Sport at Bayreuther Riss
? thumbnail
? Sport at Bayreuther Riss
Project thumbnail
? thumbnail
? Sport at Bayreuther Riss
? thumbnail
? Sport at Bayreuther Riss
? thumbnail
? Sport at Bayreuther Riss
? thumbnail
? Sport at Bayreuther Riss
Projekt thumbnail
Projekt thumbnail
Projekt thumbnail
Projekt thumbnail
Projekt thumbnail

The area is access sensitive!

⛔️ 🦅
"Rabenecker Wand" and "Mariandl Wand" are closed from 1st of February till 30th of June due to bird breeding.
Furthermore the old access to "Treusteiner Wand" is closed because of some rockfalls lately. There's no street ditch, so be careful with falling rocks at the sector "Treusteiner Wand"

"Rabeneck" is located at the Wiesent valley between Behringersmühle and Waischenfeld about 3 km north of the hamlet "Doos" and 3 km south of Waischenfeld.
The old parking got soak by the new cycle path. There is still some space between the street and the cycle path. If you have any doubts drive for 630 meter up north. There is a forest path to your left where you can park.

Bayreuther Riss:
You'll find a small trail with a fixed rope just across the street from the southern wards parking. Follow that trail and keep left at the end of the rope. Pass the small cave and turn right to get to the wall. The wall is just above the cave.

Treusteiner Wand:
Follow the path like getting to "Bayreuther Riss" but keep going up the hill at the end of the rope. There's another rope which leads through a groove. On top you reach the sector.

Follow the street up north until the next bend. Pass the bridge to your right and turn right onto the hiking trail. After 120 meter there's a regulation sign at the path that leads you tu the wall.

Rabenecker Wand:
Follow the access description for Mariandl Wand but follow the Hiking trail for 80 meter further to the next regulation sign. Go up that path to the wall you already can see

Follow the access description for Mariandl Wand but follow the Hiking trail for about 300 meter further until you find a patch detour to the left. Follow that path for 120 meter until you spot the wall to your left next to the path.