Welcome to Jamrock thumbnail
Léane thumbnail
7B Boulder at Leane
Slake thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Slake
Magic Circus thumbnail
Magic Circus
8A Boulder at Magic Circus
Le Link Ressuscité thumbnail
Le Link Ressuscité
7C+ Boulder at Bassine
Quetzal thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Quetzal
L'Arête du Domino thumbnail
L'Arête du Domino
7A+ Boulder at Domino
Delicatessen assis thumbnail
Delicatessen thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Delicatessen
L'Illusion du Choix thumbnail
Le Moaï thumbnail
Le Moaï
6B+ Boulder at Quetzal
Banal assis thumbnail
Banal assis
6A+ Boulder at Pockets
Le Nombril thumbnail
Le Nombril
7B Boulder at Nombril
Munich thumbnail
8B+ Boulder at Mur du paradis
Le Mur du Paradis thumbnail
Le Couloir de l'Enfer thumbnail
Le Link thumbnail
Le Link
8A Boulder at Bassine
La Bassine thumbnail
La Bassine
7B+ Boulder at Bassine
Les Veaux Ressuscités thumbnail
Body Tension assis thumbnail
Body Tension thumbnail
Fleur de Peau thumbnail
Fleur de Peau
7C+ Boulder at Nombril
La Sortie du Côlon thumbnail
La Sortie du Côlon
7A+ Boulder at Nombril
Ombilic thumbnail
7C Boulder at Nombril
Bi Hobby thumbnail
Bi Hobby
7C Boulder at Bihobby
Best Jump thumbnail
Best Jump
6C Boulder at Bihobby
Royal Gala thumbnail
Royal Gala
7C Boulder at La pomme
Granny thumbnail
6A Boulder at La pomme
Jubilé Delgolleuse thumbnail
Jubilé Delgolleuse
6B+ Boulder at La pomme
Vulgaire thumbnail
7C Boulder at Nombril
Zap thumbnail
7C Boulder at Domino
Zip thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Domino
Bougarabou thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Mur du paradis
Kalomcogne thumbnail
7B Boulder at Mur du paradis
Bougarabou assis thumbnail
Hoatzin thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Minaret
Prélude à un Instant d'Éternité thumbnail
La Furle thumbnail
La Furle
7B Boulder at Magic Circus
Le Mono Quantique thumbnail
Le Mono Quantique
7B Boulder at Bassine
Lunatique thumbnail
7B Boulder at Leane
Sable Émouvant thumbnail
Sable Émouvant
7B+ Boulder at Sable
La Traversée de l'Arche thumbnail
Vieille Charogne thumbnail
Vieille Charogne
7B Boulder at Vielle
Line Up thumbnail
Line Up
6A Boulder at Vielle
Yin-Yang thumbnail
7B Boulder at Yin-Yang
Collagène thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Collagene
GAP thumbnail
7B Boulder at Body Tension GAP
Hip Hip Hooray thumbnail
Hip Hip Hooray
7A+ Boulder at Slake
Lames Mineures thumbnail
Lames Mineures
7A+ Boulder at Lames
Lames droite thumbnail
Lames droite
6B Boulder at Lames
Plic Ploc thumbnail
Plic Ploc
7A+ Boulder at Platre
Recueil thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Leane
Le Crâne thumbnail
Le Crâne
7A Boulder at Crane
Brownie thumbnail
7A Boulder at Brownie
Lêkon thumbnail
6A Boulder at Brownie
Évidence thumbnail
6A Boulder at Brownie
L'Échappée Belle thumbnail
L'Échappée Belle
7A Boulder at Slake
L'Enseignement du Grès Ancien thumbnail
La Rage Meurt thumbnail
La Rage Meurt
7A Boulder at Slake
Monodie thumbnail
7A Boulder at Slake
La Traversée du Beluga thumbnail
Gloubi thumbnail
6A Boulder at Magic Circus
Boulga thumbnail
6B Boulder at Magic Circus
Paradirect thumbnail
7A Boulder at Delicatessen
Plâtre à Plats thumbnail
Plâtre à Plats
7A Boulder at Platre
L'Eden thumbnail
3 Boulder at Platre
Mirifique thumbnail
6C Boulder at Platre
Plénitude Amnésique thumbnail
Un Instant d'Éternité thumbnail
Gargouille thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Chateau
Chimère thumbnail
6B Boulder at Chateau
Zegma thumbnail
6B Boulder at Chateau
Nuit Blanche thumbnail
Nuit Blanche
7A Boulder at Bassine
Beaux Bi thumbnail
Beaux Bi
6C Boulder at Slake
Boskoop thumbnail
7A Boulder at La pomme
Bouh! thumbnail
6C Boulder at Collagene
Crazy Horse thumbnail
Crazy Horse
6C Boulder at Crazy horse
Doloris thumbnail
6C Boulder at Illusion
Dos Minant thumbnail
Dos Minant
6C Boulder at Domino
Elstar thumbnail
6C Boulder at La pomme
Reinette thumbnail
6B Boulder at La pomme
Equinox thumbnail
6C Boulder at Equinox
Solstice thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Equinox
La Carie thumbnail
La Carie
6C Boulder at Mur du paradis
Le Requin thumbnail
Le Requin
6C Boulder at Mur du paradis
La Gehenne thumbnail
La Gehenne
6C Boulder at Chateau
La Directe du Cassoulet thumbnail
Mossy paradis thumbnail
Mossy paradis
6B+ Boulder at Mossy paradis
Mossy paradis 2 thumbnail
Mossy paradis 3 thumbnail
Llandon thumbnail
6C Boulder at Llandon
Lliane assis thumbnail
Lliane assis
6A Boulder at Llandon
Lliane thumbnail
4+ Boulder at Llandon
Jeté domino thumbnail
Jeté domino
6C Boulder at Domino
Le Paradis 1 thumbnail
Le Paradis 1
6C Boulder at Domino
Le Paradis 2 thumbnail
Le Paradis 2
5+ Boulder at Domino
Le Paradis 2 assis thumbnail
Le Paradis 2 assis
6B Boulder at Domino
Peau de Banane thumbnail
Peau de Banane
5 Boulder at Domino
Peau de Banane droite thumbnail
Le Colimaçon thumbnail
Le Colimaçon
5+ Boulder at Brownie
La Directe du Colimaçon thumbnail
Line Up gauche thumbnail
Line Up gauche
6B Boulder at Vielle
Equinox gauche thumbnail
Equinox gauche
6B Boulder at Equinox
Crane traversé thumbnail
Crane traversé
6B Boulder at Crane
Le Paradis 6 thumbnail
Le paradis 7 gauche thumbnail
Le paradis 7 direct thumbnail
Le paradis 6 stand thumbnail
La Goutte d'Eau thumbnail
La Goutte d'Eau
6A+ Boulder at Crane
Sphaigne thumbnail
5 Boulder at Crane
Tribal Contact thumbnail
Tribal Contact
6A+ Boulder at Leane
Pockets thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Pockets
Pocket and arete thumbnail
Pocket and arete
5 Boulder at Pockets
Pocket traverse thumbnail
Pocket traverse
6A Boulder at Pockets
Arete on pockets thumbnail
Arete on pockets
5 Boulder at Pockets
Banal thumbnail
3 Boulder at Pockets
Bébé Beluga thumbnail
Bébé Beluga
6A Boulder at Magic Circus
L'Échauguette thumbnail
Delicatessen gauche thumbnail
Le Mur du Bivouac thumbnail
Le Mur du Bivouac
6A Boulder at Eternete
La Fissure du Bivouac thumbnail
Greenish thumbnail
6A Boulder at Bac Chic
Bac Chic thumbnail
Bac Chic
5 Boulder at Bac Chic
Green Sublime thumbnail
Green Sublime
6A Boulder at Sublime
Le Sublime thumbnail
Le Sublime
5 Boulder at Sublime
Le Sublime gauche thumbnail
Le Sublime gauche
3 Boulder at Sublime
Sublime glauque thumbnail
Sublime glauque
? Boulder at Sublime
L'Envolée thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Slake
La Dalle Adam thumbnail
La Dalle Adam
5+ Boulder at Brownie
Le Minaret thumbnail
Le Minaret
5+ Boulder at Minaret
Le Paradis 10 thumbnail
Le Paradis 10
5+ Boulder at Leane
Le Paradis 10 droite thumbnail
Le Paradis 10 droite
5+ Boulder at Leane
Le Paradis 5.5 thumbnail
Le Paradis 5.4 thumbnail
Anizier thumbnail
5 Boulder at La pomme
Api thumbnail
5 Boulder at La pomme
L'Indirectissime thumbnail
Parabole thumbnail
5 Boulder at Collagene
Toboggan thumbnail
5 Boulder at Yin-Yang
Crack line thumbnail
Crack line
5 Boulder at Slake
Fissure de Paradis thumbnail
Sublimimi thumbnail
4 Boulder at Equinox
Dalle Paradis 1 thumbnail
Dalle Paradis 1
5 Boulder at Equinox
Dalle Paradis deux thumbnail
Dalle Paradis III thumbnail
Dalle Paradis III
5 Boulder at Equinox
Dalle Paradis 4 thumbnail
Dalle Paradis 4
3 Boulder at Equinox
Paradis wall thumbnail
Paradis wall 2 thumbnail
Orange Paradis thumbnail
Orange Paradis
5 Boulder at Bihobby
Orange Paradis Deux thumbnail
La Lame du Radius thumbnail
La Lame du Radius
4+ Boulder at Quetzal
Paradis green I thumbnail
Paradis green I
6B Boulder at Green
Bugs Bunny thumbnail
Bugs Bunny
4 Boulder at Platre
Daisy thumbnail
4 Boulder at Yin-Yang
Miss Tique thumbnail
Miss Tique
4 Boulder at Yin-Yang
La Fissure de Poly thumbnail
La Fissure de Poly
4 Boulder at Slake
Le Miroir thumbnail
Le Miroir
4 Boulder at Plenitude
Majestic thumbnail
4 Boulder at Leane
Pas Glop thumbnail
Pas Glop
4 Boulder at Magic Circus
Dalle de Domino thumbnail
Dalle de Domino
4 Boulder at Domino
Artémis thumbnail
3 Boulder at Artemis
Osiris thumbnail
3 Boulder at Artemis
Isis thumbnail
3 Boulder at Artemis
Celisla thumbnail
3 Boulder at Crane
L'Antre de la Grenouille thumbnail
Le Cyclope thumbnail
Le Cyclope
3 Boulder at Domino
Le Pilier du Gruyère thumbnail
Le Miroir thumbnail
Le Miroir
3 Boulder at Minaret
Green slab thumbnail
Green slab
3 Boulder at Green
Mur de Momo thumbnail
Mur de Momo
3 Boulder at Momo
Puiselet Le Paradis

The area is access sensitive!

Park sensible. There is no good main parking of the area. A few parking spots here and there. Do not block any of the roads or access to the fields or houses.

As always, behave, respect others, don't litter and do not keep to much noise.