Druidi Alto
Baby Druidi
Druidi Basso
Dimora degli Elfi
Terra di mezzo
Tana del Tasso
Piccola Area
Antro dei Druidi
Gioia thumbnail
8C+ Boulder at Gioia
Long Road of Life thumbnail
Long Road of Life
8C Boulder at Gioia
Long Road thumbnail
Long Road
8B+ Boulder at Gioia
Kriptonite thumbnail
8B+ Boulder at Gioia
Yes Man thumbnail
Yes Man
8B Boulder at Gioia
Bunjil thumbnail
8B Boulder at Gioia
No topo image available
Gioia stand
8A+ Boulder at Gioia
Super Anubi thumbnail
Super Anubi
8A+ Boulder at Gioia
No topo image available
V di Vendetta
8A+ Boulder at Gioia
V Di Vendetta thumbnail
V Di Vendetta
8A+ Boulder at Gioia
Excalibur thumbnail
8A Boulder at Gioia
Anubi thumbnail
8A Boulder at Gioia
Phantom thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Gioia
Messa delle Streghe thumbnail
Messa delle Streghe
7C+ Boulder at Gioia
No topo image available
Messa Delle Streghe
7C Boulder at Gioia
Marco Traverse thumbnail
Marco Traverse
7C Boulder at Gioia
Kripton thumbnail
7C Boulder at Gioia
Tribale thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Gioia
Demoni nell'Ombra thumbnail
Demoni nell'Ombra
7B+ Boulder at Gioia
Chiavi del Regno thumbnail
Chiavi del Regno
7B Boulder at Gioia
Mizar thumbnail
7B Boulder at Gioia
Ganimede thumbnail
7B Boulder at Gioia
Cassiopea right thumbnail
Cassiopea right
7A+ Boulder at Gioia
Afrodite thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Gioia
Immortal Joe thumbnail
Immortal Joe
7A Boulder at Gioia
Cassiopea thumbnail
7A Boulder at Gioia
Too Much thumbnail
Too Much
6C Boulder at Gioia
Castor thumbnail
6C Boulder at Gioia
La Prua thumbnail
La Prua
6B Boulder at Gioia
Too Lazy thumbnail
Too Lazy
6B Boulder at Gioia
Due Scorpioni thumbnail
Due Scorpioni
6B Boulder at Gioia
Too thumbnail
5 Boulder at Gioia

The area is access sensitive!

These areas are on private land, so behave extra kind.
From the village Il Pero, reach a big fork right after a small bridge. Do not go toward Alpicella, but continue straight on up two hairpin bends. Turn right after the church and follow the signs “scavi archeologici”, (the road is narrow!). (Here you should reset the odometer)

(the first sector) - access: continue for 650m from the beginning of the road and park on the left in the open area. Go on 10m on foot and go down to the right along the path.

Druidi Alto, Baby Druidi, Druidi Basso, Antro dei Druidi:
(about 2km from the beginning of the road to the parking area). The sectors are just a few seconds away. All sectors can be reached following a clear path, there are wooden signs with directions toward all boulders.

Terra di mezzo and Dimora degli Elfi - continue for 1,6km and reach the first parking area. Leave the car here since the narrow road going down to the left is on a a private property. Before leaving the parking area make sure you parked well and then continue on foot along the dirt road reaching a big open space. From here refer back to the map and choose your sector! (You can reach both sectors in an instant).

Tana del Tasso:
Park in the middle of the Potala, for intermediate sectors. Follow the path that starts from the parking lot. Parking - Sector 4 minutes.

continue by car along the main road for 2 km and reach the sharp bend with an open area in the middle.
l sectors can be reached following a clear path, there are wooden signs with directions toward all boulders.