
The area is access sensitive!

From the road Stari Grad-Sućuraj turn left in village Zastražišće and follow signposts to the cove Pokrivenik. Follow the road for approx. 1.5 km, then take a sharp descending right turn that leads down to the cove. Park the car by the road, mind to leave enough space for other vehicles.
From here to sectors is 5-10 minutes. Mind that you are passing over the private land, therefore be polite to local residents and land owners as our behaviour affects the future of climbing here. There are new approach paths marked recently. See picture...

A - Viewpoint
21 routes on 3 topos
B - Barba
10 routes on 1 topo
C - Posejdon
10 routes on 1 topo
D - Neptun
7 routes on 2 topos
Parking for Pokrivenik sector
General marker for the crag