
Östersundom is a nice wall of about 50m long and 3-5m high. The wall gets a decent amount of sunlight before there are leaves on the trees. Due to the forest above, some problems might dry slow.

The crag is super easy to reach with a big parking and a non-existing approach.
You'll find about 15 quality problems in the 6th and 7th grade with good landings. Even though there is a little downhill behind the landings, we'd say that the area is suitable for families and children.

The area is a dogpark where you are not obligated to keep the dog on the leash, nor clean up after him/her. So watch your step and be prepared to meet some 4-footed spotters.

At the drop-off problems on the left, the wall is much taller (10m or even more) and there could be some possibilities for bold highball in the 7th and 8th grade, but the dropoff point is a clear break in the face at a decent height, making the established lines logic.


The wall was found and cleaned by Jan Rosström and Alvi Pakarinen in 2012.

Routes on Östersundom
16 boulder 35 Likes
Premium topo by Jan and Alvi
Alvi Pakarinen
from Helsinki