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Strangers in Paradise thumbnail
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Bouc et Mystere
7a+ Sport at Mystere
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6c Sport at Mystere
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6c Sport at Mystere
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6b+ Sport at Mystere
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Tufa's Story
6b Sport at Mystere
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Tufas story
6b Sport at Mystere
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6b Sport at Mystere
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6b Sport at Mystere
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Diedre Oublie
6a+ Sport at Mystere
Miss Terre thumbnail
Miss Terre
5+ Sport at Mystere
Ourania and Symplegades Rocks

The area is access sensitive!

Using the Masouri to Pothia road, head uphill on the winding road to Kamari. At the top of the hill turn left at the sign for the Kamari hotel, continue past the hotel and the church. Ahead is a left turn sign posted climbing areas. Follow the steep road to gates, bikes can park in the designated area but cars should turn here and go back downhill to park at the side of the road to avoid blocking the driveway. The left fence has a small gateway that allows climbers access to the climbing areas, respect the owners wishes and ensure the gate is closed after you pass by on foot. Continue up the steep drive, past the house bearing left, ahead is a gate in the wire fencing, once again ensure you close the gate after passing through. Follow the well worn path and blue paint markers for about 100m when Symblegades Petres is clearly visible to the right. For Ourania and Mystere and Snake Valley do not turn right but continue on a level track following the cairns for 5-10 minutes respectively.
Approach and parking

Park thoughtfully at the top of the steep road and avoid disturbing the residents by blocking their driveway