El borreguito thumbnail
La Lavavajilladora thumbnail
Indian Secret Garden thumbnail
Indian Secret Garden Sit-Start thumbnail
El coleccionista de huesos thumbnail
The nuse thumbnail
The nuse
6C Boulder at The nuse
COL-B8-L1 thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at COL-B8
Lagunita thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Colorado wall
Placa Gernika thumbnail
Placa Gernika
6A+ Boulder at Colorado wall
Colorado spring thumbnail
COL-B13-L1 thumbnail
6A Boulder at Colorado wall
Astronomicó thumbnail
6A Boulder at COL-B14
Estallido thumbnail
7A Boulder at Furyu
Arreón thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Abejorro
Avalancha thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Camino del Exceso
El espíritu del vino thumbnail
El camino del exceso thumbnail
COL-B19-L4 thumbnail
Flor de Loto thumbnail
Flor de Loto
7B+ Boulder at Flor de loto
Coletazo sin cazo thumbnail
COL-B22-L1 thumbnail
6A Boulder at Amoche
Indian Secret Garden Sit-Start (Direct) thumbnail
La cobra thumbnail
La cobra
7B Boulder at Coleccionista
Flor de Loto - Stand thumbnail
COL-B9-L1 sds thumbnail
COL-B9-L1 thumbnail
COL-B9-L2 thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at COL-B9 / bloque 15
COL-B9-L3 sds thumbnail
COL-B9-L3 thumbnail
COL-B9-L4 sds thumbnail
COL-B9-L4 thumbnail
Desengaño thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Coleccionista
Pseudofácil thumbnail
6A Boulder at Coleccionista
Me gusta dolor thumbnail
Me gusta dolor
6B+ Boulder at Techo y setas
Guapos Tarde thumbnail
Guapos Tarde
6A+ Boulder at Techo y setas
Hongos o setas thumbnail
El solitario thumbnail
El solitario
6A Boulder at Amoche
COL-B22-L2 thumbnail
6B Boulder at Amoche
COL-B18-L2 thumbnail
6A Boulder at Abejorro
Cera de abeja thumbnail
Cera de abeja
6A Boulder at Abejorro
Died ro thumbnail
Died ro
6A Boulder at Abejorro
Hombro Meng thumbnail
Esquina de bienvenida thumbnail
Brujería thumbnail
El Corralito thumbnail
El Corralito
7A+ Boulder at Corralito
Jugar bolígrafo thumbnail
Jugar bolígrafo
6C Boulder at Corralito
Amenecer Canibal thumbnail
Amenecer Canibal
7A+ Boulder at Abejorro
Abejorro thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Abejorro
Picadura de abeja thumbnail
Picadura de abeja
6B+ Boulder at Abejorro
El Feo thumbnail
El Feo
7C Boulder at Abejorro
Hojaldre thumbnail
7A Boulder at Abejorro
Limpieza Moral thumbnail
Limpieza Moral derecha thumbnail
Osteogenesis Imperfecta thumbnail
Fuerte aqui thumbnail
Fuerte aqui
? Boulder at Flor de loto
Cruising thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Amoche
El Amoche thumbnail
El Amoche
6A+ Boulder at Amoche
Tulipán negro thumbnail
Tulipán negro
6A+ Boulder at Amoche
El Camino thumbnail
El Camino
6B Boulder at Techo y setas
Belleza protegida thumbnail
SIROP.es thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at The nuse
COL-B9-L5 thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at COL-B9 / bloque 15
Placa del Imperio thumbnail
Fuyu thumbnail
7C Boulder at Furyu
Origin thumbnail
? Boulder at Furyu
La demanda thumbnail
Oscuras y fisuras thumbnail
Apicultor thumbnail
5 Boulder at Abejorro
El aguijon thumbnail
El aguijon
5+ Boulder at Abejorro
Pinball thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Pinball
Can Guela thumbnail
Can Guela
6C Boulder at Pinball
Chinaski thumbnail
7A Boulder at Camino del Exceso
Viejos ciegos thumbnail
Rimperan thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Abejorro
Avalancha derecha thumbnail
Alebrijes thumbnail
6B Boulder at Amoche
Vóldemort thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Amoche
Diabulus thumbnail
6C Boulder at Techo y setas
Ragnarock thumbnail
6B Boulder at Techo y setas
Basureta thumbnail
6B Boulder at Techo y setas
Phantasma thumbnail
7A Boulder at Colorado wall
Critical bilbo thumbnail
Critical bilbo
7B+ Boulder at Bilbo
Hormiga suicida thumbnail
Hormiga suicida
6B Boulder at Pinball
Estrella Michelín thumbnail
Speed thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Colorado wall
Grado broma thumbnail
Grado broma
6A Boulder at Colorado wall
COL-B10-L2 thumbnail
COL-B10-L3 thumbnail
Territorio nacional thumbnail
Territorio nacional
6A+ Boulder at COL-B14
Territorio regional thumbnail
Territorio regional
6A+ Boulder at COL-B14
Aljama thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Sostraco
Col Rizada  thumbnail
Col Rizada
6A+ Boulder at COL-B8
Arista Yoyes thumbnail
Sinvi thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Sinvi
Orga thumbnail
8A+ Boulder at Sinvi
Pinball stand thumbnail
Pinball stand
7B Boulder at Pinball
La oferta thumbnail
La oferta
7B+ Boulder at Demanda / COL-B10
Hormiga Anciana thumbnail
Hormiga Anciana
7A Boulder at Pinball
Frodo’s delight thumbnail
Frodo’s delight
7B Boulder at Bilbo
Sisha nulera thumbnail
Sisha nulera
7A Boulder at Corralito
Mitocondriaco thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Corralito
Nokia 1610 thumbnail
Nokia 1610
7A Boulder at Corralito
Kaketsu thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Oscuras y Fisuras
Holovi thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Oscuras y Fisuras
Racomaestro thumbnail
Mayormente Oscuro thumbnail
Consolidation prize thumbnail
Tangoworking thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Amoche
Mezquita Albarracín

The area is access sensitive!

Climbing has been limited in Albarracín due the bird nesting and protecting the nature. Mezquita is still open for climbing, and let's keep it that way. :
-Park at parkings showed on 27crags
-Don't block any roads/passages with your vehicle.
-Don't leave any trash behind you and bury all your human waste.
-respect the nature
-Brush away tickmarks and excessive chalk
-Don't climb with lights or when it's getting dark or before sun rise.
-Use only recognized paths.
-Don't make fires.
-Keep your dog in the leash and collect the dog waste

Finding mezquita:
Park as for cabrerizo, walk a path back towards Albarracin next to the abandoned house. Follow this path almost next to the tarmac road for about 100m and follow the path to the right at a tree growing just next to the main road. Follow this path for about 50m and turn right to a small path. this path takes you to Camino del Exceso area, for indian secret garden you need to turn left to an even smaller path just before reaching bloque 17/18. and then follow this path next to a field for about 100m, and the path starts going down hill to the right. This is where indian secret garden area starts.