Col·lecció de Pops 2           thumbnail
Vent d’Istanbul (proj) thumbnail
Col·lecció de Pops 1 thumbnail
Blokeo Profundo thumbnail
El Chico de Bergara L1 thumbnail
Sandokan thumbnail
Engagée en las Pollas     thumbnail
Vent d’Istanbul  thumbnail
Ajo Power thumbnail
ATPC (R4) thumbnail
Ricacera 2 thumbnail
Los Rancios de la Aldea 2           thumbnail
Domador de Amortiguadores 2            thumbnail
Vent de Bayona thumbnail
Mica thumbnail
8a+ Sport at Cova d'en Marian
The GOAT L1 thumbnail
Los Rancios de la Aldea 1 thumbnail
ATPC (R3) thumbnail
Ricacera 1 thumbnail
Tango Feroz thumbnail
Pinche Julieta L2 thumbnail
Pinche Julieta L1 thumbnail
Pinche Lupita thumbnail
Sin Pila Lo Foratoradot thumbnail
Lo Foratoradot thumbnail
Domador de Amortiguadores 1 thumbnail
ATP thumbnail
7c Sport at Cova d'en Marian
Gollum thumbnail
7b+ Sport at Cova d'en Marian
Superforn thumbnail
Chorrera Gran thumbnail
Puta Crisis Reglatera thumbnail
Sin Pila me de la Risa thumbnail
Contra todo Pronóstico thumbnail
Buscando Punto 6 thumbnail
Corta y Dura thumbnail
Sí a Todo L2 thumbnail
Sí a Todo L1 thumbnail
?? thumbnail
6c+ Sport at Cova d'en Marian
Inhumano al Forn de Pa thumbnail
Sin P.P. thumbnail
Sin P.P.
6c+ Sport at Cova d'en Marian
route 10 thumbnail
route 10
6b+ Sport at Cova d'en Marian
?? thumbnail
6b+ Sport at Cova d'en Marian
Super Pop thumbnail
La Pixadeta thumbnail
La Cueva de Los Deseos thumbnail
ATPC (proj)             thumbnail
Proj. thumbnail
? Sport at Cova d'en Marian
El Chico de Bergara L2 (proj) thumbnail
The GOAT L2 (proj) thumbnail

The area is access sensitive!

Note: the cave and its approach are situated on private land and it is of the utmost importance that visiting climbers behave responsibly!

Approach: turn off the C-44 midway between Km-4 and Km-5 into the village of Masriudoms. Follow the main road Carrer Major through the centre of the village then, immediately after passing a font, fork right onto Carrer de Sant Josep. As this narrow road leaves the village it turns into a track, surfaced at the beginning, and marked by a signpost PRC-90/Riu de Llastres/Mas de L’Abella. Continue driving for approximately 630m to a parking area on the left of the track, just after a broad left-hand bend. On foot, continue along the track for 70m then turn right onto a well-marked footpath, which is followed for approximately 370m to where it rejoins the track (effectively cutting out a large loop) shortly before passing an old farmhouse — Mas del Cota. Immediately after the farmhouse, next to an old stone font, leave the track to follow a well-marked path (cairns) leading down into a dry streambed and then up the wooded hillside to the base of the crag (15 minutes). Note: routes 24-28 start from a higher terrace, which is accessed using fixed ropes.