No special access issues

The Lackenkopfwand crag is situated after the toll station, on the left side before the first tunnel. The parking area is marked on Google Maps as Blauertumpf.

Lackenkopfwand: From the parking area, follow the upper path behind the barriers. You will reach the sector in 2-3 minutes.

Tunnelwand: Follow the same direction as for Lackenkopfwand but walk a bit further and then go down to the left. If you reach the old tunnel, you've gone too far. You'll reach the wall in 3-5 minutes.

Blauer Tumpf Platten: Follow the path down to Blauer Tumpf; the wall is next to it.

Blauer Tumpf: Start by going to the Tunnelwand sector. From there, descend the stairs. After the stairs, take a small path on the right and follow it at the bottom of the wall. When the path starts going upwards next to the wall and then descends, you'll pass above the Blauer Tumpf Platten sector. Next, the path goes upwards again until you find the fixed rope. Now you've arrived. Be cautious as there is a risk of falling, so pay close attention on your way!

Most importantly: Don’t be stupid.*
* Brush away your tick marks, take away your trash AND cigarette butts, use the toilets or at least dig a hole for your poo and bury it. Short: Leave nothing but footprints. Thanks!


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email