Montée au grenier thumbnail
Descente à la cave thumbnail
Chiures thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Grotte à Alex
Nils traverse  thumbnail
Blocage d’enfer  thumbnail
L’égyptien  thumbnail
Grotte à Alex thumbnail
High one thumbnail
High one
6C+ Boulder at Grotte à Alex
Grotte à Alex Direct thumbnail
La rampe  thumbnail
Même pas peur  thumbnail
La rampe direct  thumbnail
Premier pas  thumbnail
L’angle  thumbnail
La pierre du beurre

The area is access sensitive!

🚗 Check the map to find the parking, it's at end of the dirt road. But sure to leave enough space for a car to drive. You can also park at the beginning of the dirt road on the side.
🚶‍♂️ Follow the trail on the map. You can see the boulders from the car on your left!

Please don't still apples! It's important to be able to climb in this area.
No special rules, but of course bring back your trash and don't be too loud.