6 routes on 2 topos
Energia eolica
3 routes on 1 topo
1 route on 1 topo
Gigi la trottola
7 routes on 2 topos
Il lato silente
13 routes on 3 topos
Il messaggio
5 routes on 1 topo
Il profeta
2 routes on 1 topo
La mela marcia
9 routes on 2 topos
Mad max
9 routes on 1 topo
Mi annoio
4 routes on 1 topo
Spiriti notturni
2 routes on 1 topo
Spirito custode
2 routes on 2 topos
The king
1 route on 1 topo
The pharaon
2 routes on 1 topo
La Collina
General marker for the crag