
Boulders with easy access. A couple of very fine lines worth the visit. Also check up the sight "Karhunpesäkivi" (no climbing :) and celebrate your sends with coffee and a Berliner at the local Karhun Tupa at the parking or maybe even reindeer stew.

Grades are best guesses, welcome to give a vote!


Legend of one version tells that once during the winter, a man sought shelter from a blizzard and found this hollow stone and crawled in. He slept there over night and when he woke up in the morning, he realized that a bear was hibernating there with him. Luckily it didn’t wake up and the man could leave in peace.

The climbing potential of the stone (Karhunkesäkivi) close to this hollow stone of legend has propably been seen earlier, but the routes were finally brushed in 2020 by southern boulder pilgrims. ”Tähdet sun silmissäs” was the first one to be brushed as the great set of holds on an overhang wall are calling to be climbed. A few more routes were cleaned and the most fresh ”Junantuoma” stands as the hardest one.

Routes on Karhunkesäkivi
14 boulder 3 Likes
Premium topo by MeriSaukko
Aki Saukkonen
from Lahti
Meri Myöhänen
from Helsinki

The area is access sensitive!

Boulders in this area are partly on the way to local sight "Karhunpesäkivi" which is a hollow block marked clearly directly on the built path. DO NOT CLIMB on Karhunpesäkivi! Climbing is permitted on the other blocks by Metsähallitus (land owner). Tourists and locals use the same path leading to the crag and there is also a cafe/souvenir shop in the beginning of the path. Behave, keep your tone down, do not leave any trash behind and brush holds and tick marks before you leave to keep the climbing here alive.


Alueen lohkareet ovat Karhunpesäkivi -nähtävyyden reitin varrella, turistit liikkuvat alueella ja polun alkupäässä on myös kahvila/matkamuistopuoti. Sen vuoksi on erityisen tärkeää käyttäytyä ihmisiksi kiivetessä, ottaa roskat mukaan (omat tai muiden), olla meluamatta ja muistaa harjata mankat otteista ja tikit pois lähtiessä, jotta kiipeily alueella jatkuu sopuisissa merkeissä paikallisten kanssa. Sanomattakin selvää, että Karhunpesäkivellä (nähtävyys merkattu selvästi) KIIPEILY EHDOTTOMASTI KIELLETTY. Muilla siirtolohkareilla kiipeily Metsähallituksen (maanomistaja) luvalla sallittu.