No topo image available
6c Partially bolted
Mossekspressen thumbnail
7c+ Sport at Vestveggen
Tjuvstart thumbnail
6a Traditional at Vestveggen
Vestveggen thumbnail
6b+ Traditional at Vestveggen
Hylleopptaket thumbnail
5 Traditional at Vestveggen
Samurairisset thumbnail
Flakdiederet thumbnail
Ilddåpen thumbnail
Telemarksuiten thumbnail
Den sorte kamin thumbnail
Babyface thumbnail
Delikatessen thumbnail
Evnukken thumbnail
7b Partially bolted at Nord-, Øst- og Sørveggene
Overraskelsen thumbnail
Hobnobs thumbnail
6c Traditional at Stupet
Drømmelinja thumbnail
Superrisset thumbnail
Diederet thumbnail
Weekendsnacks thumbnail
Frosken i brønnen thumbnail
Klemblokk thumbnail
Blodbekk thumbnail
Telemarksuiten Direct thumbnail
Innflytning thumbnail
5 Traditional at Vestveggen
Besteggen thumbnail
7b+ Traditional at Vestveggen
Telemarkskanalen thumbnail
7b Traditional at Vestveggen
No topo image available
Blueberry Lane
7a Traditional at Vestveggen
Normalveien thumbnail

The area is access sensitive!

1) Gygrestolen is located inside a nature reserve, and the wildlife, vegetation and geology is protected by law. Bolting is not allowed.

2) Driving from Bø: Drive towards Lunde and take a right when there's a sign to Gygrestolen. Follow signs until you reach the parkings. The large parking is a paid parking, but it's possible to park on smaller, free parkings that are located before the paid one.

3) Walking from parking: Walk along the car road, and walk PAST the first trail to Gygrestolen. Walk 350 meters further, and you will see a new trail (with sign) to Gygrestolen to the left. Take this trail for about 20 minutes, and look for a trail going left, that is marked by a small rock pile (this is the trail AFTER the trail leading to "Maurknatten"). Follow the small rock piles through rugged terrain until you reach the base of the corner of the west- and north face of Gamla.

Approach to Den sorte kamin:
In order to reach popular routes Den sorte kamin and Babyface, you will have to do a short climb first, called Normalveien (grade 4-), followed by a scramble. To find the start of Normalveien, walk down and along the front of the north face of Gamla. Around the corner you will arrive at the start.