Gorges du Houx (including all parts of Gorges du Houx)
This area is quiet and has some real gems hiding around in the forest. More than often you hear people talk about "Gargantoit". This is a beautiful climb but besides this one, you will find more than 400 lines to try. It's a bit spread out but the quality will make up for that. And the approach is less than 15 minutes from the car to even the furthest rock. The newly painted orange AD and Yellow PD circuits start in the very north west of the area. These circuits are on small rocks and dries very fast. They go next to each other for most of the part, so it's possible to climb them together. Besides the new circuits the area in general is growing fast. A lot of new boulders have been discovered lately. Some of the old ones in the classical area have though got completely green again, maybe brush them up again?
Some classics to try:
Ligne de Mire 7A
Gargantoit 7A (Assis 7B+)
Londinium 8A+
Le Tajine 8B
De La Terre a la lune 7C+
Titanique 7B+
Tribune 7B
L'Arete 7A+
Dalle is not dead 7A
Fatwoman 7A
Transition 6C
Also a bunch of easier things are nice.
Just to mention a few. Go there and have a blast. :)