
🚶‍♂️ 3-5' - ⛰️ 250 MSL - 🧭 NSEW - ☀️ shade by the trees

Gocciadoro is the only green area of Trento that has traditionally always been considered a city park. Its extension is huge and it features many pic-nic areas and children's games.
Inside the park there are even a bunch of boulders, for a total amount of 16 problems. Difficulties are medium low, so they suit children and beginners. Landings are generally quite comfortable. It is possible to climb here during the whole year, but we advise against the Summer since it could be quite hot.
Gocciadoro is certainly not one of the best boulder areas of Trentino, but who are we to judge? One can spend amazing time and build beautiful memories here, even if the problems are not the best in the world. Time with friends and family is what really matter 🙏🏻

Since Trento city center is really close to here, we highly suggest you to take some time and visit it.


Almost all of the park has been municipal property since 1922, as a result of the acquisition of a huge agricultural land, where the Goccia d'Oro vine was grown.
Since then and until today there have been expansions and acquisitions which have allowed the surface of the park to be expanded to more than 35 hectares. In the future Gocciadoro may extend further towards the natural areas that rise towards the hill and where it is possible to find the remains of the castle of Pietrapiana.

Routes on Gocciadoro
16 boulder 4 Likes
Premium topo by Arco not normal
Luca Onorevoli
from Arco
Tim De Mazière
from Europe
Nicola Trenti
from Arco Italy