Pandemia letal thumbnail
El Padre Orillos thumbnail
Antidoto thumbnail
Muchachito Bombo Infierno thumbnail
Honk Down thumbnail
El Fin de una Vida thumbnail
Hamunaptra thumbnail
Aguardiente thumbnail
7c Traditional at Momia / Black Cave
Costris Climbers thumbnail
Escalador Casual thumbnail
Hora Kane thumbnail
Anack Sunamun thumbnail
Hierbas Letales thumbnail
El Fin de Una Vida (P1) thumbnail
Fluidos Vital thumbnail
Verdes Venenas thumbnail
Buscando Pokemon thumbnail
Gaia thumbnail
7a+ Sport at Momia / Black Cave
Black Cave thumbnail
Out of Vogue thumbnail
Seco y Pedro thumbnail
Café Burbuscon / Café con Bourbon thumbnail
El Orejazo thumbnail
Habana Club thumbnail
Insominio de Equipmiento thumbnail
Seco y Pedro Right thumbnail
Makita Power thumbnail
Gaia (P1) thumbnail
Seco y Pedro Right 2 thumbnail
Checkout thumbnail
Seco y Pedro (P1) thumbnail
Yonki latas thumbnail
Whiskey Bereber thumbnail
Calentamiento Global thumbnail
Welcome to El Chorro thumbnail
Las Carruchas del Anakrin thumbnail
Granainos thumbnail
5 Traditional at Momia / Black Cave
Variante Que Poyas thumbnail

The area is access sensitive!

🚗 Parking: 1) At the reservoir below El Chorro town, 2) sector Albercones (road in bad condition) and 3) at Las Encantadas crag. Parking on the side of the roads in the nature park is not allowed where prohibited with signs.

🚶 All sectors are accessible by foot via the road that weaves through the nature park and a path that leads from sector Castrojo all the way to sector Placas de la Cantera, in front of the cliff.

⛰ The crag is situated in a nature park.

General rules:
🦅 Respect the nature
🏞 Follow the established paths
⛔️ Please don't park your car in the nature park
🚯 Take all rubbish with you including papers
🔥 Don't light fires