Endless Power thumbnail
Endless Power
8c+ Sport at El Olimpo
Trango Power thumbnail
Trango Power
8c Sport at El Olimpo
Mizery thumbnail
8b+ Sport at Poema de Roca
Kervala thumbnail
8b Sport at Poema de Roca
Shark Extension thumbnail
Pandemia letal thumbnail
Eye of the Storm Extension thumbnail
Thunder Struck Extension thumbnail
La Banda del Sur thumbnail
Trango thumbnail
8b Sport at El Olimpo
Swimming Through a Shark Attack thumbnail
El Complot thumbnail
El Complot
8a+ Sport at Poema de Roca
El Padre Orillos thumbnail
Viejos Rockeros thumbnail
Oso yogui Plus 1 thumbnail
Oso yogui Plus 1
8a+ Sport at Tango
La Villa Strangiato Extension thumbnail
Liten Viking thumbnail
Vivac Porus Extension thumbnail
Trango (L1) thumbnail
Trango (L1)
8a+ Sport at El Olimpo
La Cuca thumbnail
La Cuca
8a Sport at Poema de Roca
Via de Rudolf thumbnail
Truco Final thumbnail
XXL thumbnail
8a Sport at Poema de Roca
Mamacita thumbnail
8a Sport at Poema de Roca
Talibania Extension thumbnail
Antidoto thumbnail
El Blackout del Vikingo thumbnail
Egoa.nu thumbnail
8a Sport at Poema de Roca
Techno Power thumbnail
Poema de Roca thumbnail
Manolo Wonder thumbnail
Manolo Wonder
7c+ Traditional at Placas de la Cantera
Muchachito Bombo Infierno thumbnail
Los Señores de Asfis thumbnail
Gabiel Hermafrodita thumbnail
Pesadilla thumbnail
7c+ Sport at Poema de Roca
Thunder Struck thumbnail
Sarracenos thumbnail
7c+ Sport at Poema de Roca
El Ave Fénix thumbnail
Rima Libre thumbnail
Rima Libre
7c+ Sport at Poema de Roca
Ajonjoli thumbnail
7c+ Sport at Suizo
El Erudito Punk thumbnail
El Erudito Punk
7c+ Sport at Solarium
Honk Down thumbnail
El Fin de una Vida thumbnail
Eye of the Storm thumbnail
Talibania thumbnail
7c Sport at Poema de Roca
No topo image available
7c Sport at Cañada
Hamunaptra thumbnail
Licantropia de Plenilunio thumbnail
Ritual Felino thumbnail
Ritual Felino
7c Sport at Tango
Aguardiente thumbnail
7c Traditional at Momia / Black Cave
Kukeman Tupery thumbnail
Costris Climbers thumbnail
Oso yogui Plus 2 thumbnail
Oso yogui Plus 2
7c Sport at Tango
Luna Llena thumbnail
Luna Llena
7c Sport at Castrojo
Escalador Casual thumbnail
Solarium left thumbnail
Solarium left
7c Sport at Solarium
Plata o Romo thumbnail
Maquina Cualquiera thumbnail
Viejo Traidor thumbnail
Federacion Corruta thumbnail
No topo image available
Pane Pane Supemercado thumbnail
Alicía thumbnail
7b+ Sport at Suizo
Si No Hay Rally No Hay Chapas thumbnail
No topo image available
Vaca Loco
7b+ Sport at Cañada
Hora Kane thumbnail
El Don Nadie thumbnail
Cita en Sevilla thumbnail
Destrozado y Sin Encadenar thumbnail
Manimba de Luna thumbnail
The Big Leaning Arête thumbnail
Mundo Bigote thumbnail
Mundo Bigote
7b+ Sport at Solarium
Gangrena Brothers  thumbnail
Proyecto Hombre thumbnail
Proyecto Hombre
7b+ Sport at Castrojo
New 7b thumbnail
New 7b
7b Sport at Suizo
Anack Sunamun thumbnail
Solarium thumbnail
7b Sport at Solarium
Mariada de Payasos thumbnail
Hierbas Letales thumbnail
La Villa Strangiato thumbnail
Morritos Jaeger thumbnail
Lobo López thumbnail
Lobo López
7b Sport at Solarium
El Fin de Una Vida (P1) thumbnail
Slimbo thumbnail
7b Sport at Poema de Roca
La Eterna Busqueda de la Ana thumbnail
No topo image available
7b Sport at Cañada
No topo image available
Si Te Vas
7b Sport at Cañada
Fluidos Vital thumbnail
No topo image available
Escorpión thumbnail
7b Traditional at Poema de Roca
Sesso, Drogas y Flamenco thumbnail
Verdes Venenas thumbnail
Ojos que no Ven thumbnail
Ojos que no Ven
7a+ Traditional at Amptrax
Buscando Pokemon thumbnail
James Bolt thumbnail
James Bolt
7a+ Sport at Tango
Little Brown Baby thumbnail
Sufre Mamón thumbnail
Bienvenidos al Circo thumbnail
Que Leche que Tengo thumbnail
Que Leche que Tengo
7a+ Sport at Suizo
La Urriki thumbnail
La Urriki
7a+ Sport at Suizo

The area is access sensitive!

🚗 Parking: 1) At the reservoir below El Chorro town, 2) sector Albercones (road in bad condition) and 3) at Las Encantadas crag. Parking on the side of the roads in the nature park is not allowed where prohibited with signs.

🚶 All sectors are accessible by foot via the road that weaves through the nature park and a path that leads from sector Castrojo all the way to sector Placas de la Cantera, in front of the cliff.

⛰ The crag is situated in a nature park.

General rules:
🦅 Respect the nature
🏞 Follow the established paths
⛔️ Please don't park your car in the nature park
🚯 Take all rubbish with you including papers
🔥 Don't light fires